Persons in de facto couples according to marital status by sex and age. 43-Tarragona

  TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced
TOTAL TOTAL 23283 15667 1589 1182 2842 2003
From 16 to 19 1088 1082 1 3 2 0
From 20 to 24 3238 3162 30 5 34 7
From 25 to 29 4561 4183 110 12 178 78
From 30 to 34 4062 3182 185 33 409 253
From 35 to 44 5177 2632 436 146 1076 887
From 45 to 54 2709 859 336 205 751 558
From 55 to 64 1214 317 192 260 279 166
From 65 or more 1234 250 299 518 113 54
Male TOTAL 11771 8026 981 357 1405 1002
From 16 to 19 490 490 0 0 0 0
From 20 to 24 1313 1290 15 0 6 2
From 25 to 29 2140 2031 41 1 51 16
From 30 to 34 2119 1780 98 2 148 91
From 35 to 44 2774 1560 291 24 493 406
From 45 to 54 1547 523 214 43 436 331
From 55 to 64 686 186 122 70 189 119
From 65 or more 702 166 200 217 82 37
Female TOTAL 11512 7641 608 825 1437 1001
From 16 to 19 598 592 1 3 2 0
From 20 to 24 1925 1872 15 5 28 5
From 25 to 29 2421 2152 69 11 127 62
From 30 to 34 1943 1402 87 31 261 162
From 35 to 44 2403 1072 145 122 583 481
From 45 to 54 1162 336 122 162 315 227
From 55 to 64 528 131 70 190 90 47
From 65 or more 532 84 99 301 31 17

De facto couples are all couples in which the components' marital status is not married to another person
at the same time