Foreign employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to professional situation
by activity of establishment in which they work (main groups). 44-Teruel

  TOTAL Businessperson or professional who employs personnel Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel Fixed or indefinite employee Tempory employee Another situation (Family help) Another situation (Member of cooperatives)
TOTAL 1675 24 96 425 1118 8 4
A - Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry 262 0 18 82 162 0 0
B - Fishing 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
C - Extractive Industries 109 1 0 7 100 0 1
D - Manufacturing industry 356 3 9 106 238 0 0
E - Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water 6 0 0 2 4 0 0
F - Construction 338 5 6 65 262 0 0
G - Commerce; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 148 4 35 36 65 6 2
H - Accommodation 220 7 19 58 134 2 0
I - Transport, storage and communications 54 3 0 17 34 0 0
J - Financial intermediation 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
K - Real estate and rental activities; business services 31 0 2 10 19 0 0
L - Public Administration, defense and compulsory social security 19 0 0 4 15 0 0
M - Education 7 0 2 1 4 0 0
N - Health and veterinary activities;social assistance 30 1 1 14 13 0 1
O - Other soc. activities and services provided to the community;personal services 12 0 4 3 5 0 0
P - Household activities 81 0 0 19 62 0 0