Main dwellings with some type of heating method according to useful area by type of heating and fuel used.

  TOTAL Up to 30 m2 30-45 m2 46-60 m2 61-75 m2 76-90 m2 91-105 m2 106-120 m2 121-150 m2 151-180 m2 More than 180 m2
TOTAL TOTAL 49199 67 825 3065 5985 15875 8605 6345 4548 1757 2127
Gas 6648 4 113 484 1115 2693 955 556 401 142 185
Electricity 8117 15 186 663 1213 3041 1171 823 554 183 268
Petroleum or derivatives 20590 10 177 731 2037 6444 3963 3003 2240 903 1082
Wood 12231 38 337 1092 1432 3294 2224 1680 1168 450 516
Coal or derivatives 971 0 8 76 147 264 161 155 77 43 40
Others 642 0 4 19 41 139 131 128 108 36 36
With individual heating TOTAL 4793 1 30 147 512 1795 986 677 464 110 71
Gas 736 0 8 34 82 236 164 97 94 11 10
Electricity 163 0 2 6 23 54 35 26 13 2 2
Petroleum or derivatives 3770 1 20 101 395 1471 756 530 347 93 56
Wood 72 0 0 3 8 20 20 14 4 1 2
Coal or derivatives 37 0 0 2 3 13 9 5 3 1 1
Others 15 0 0 1 1 1 2 5 3 2 0
With central heating TOTAL 27152 8 245 1105 3139 8994 4811 3624 2740 1110 1376
Gas 4244 0 48 173 753 1941 581 320 223 89 116
Electricity 3888 1 53 232 606 1590 557 368 277 95 109
Petroleum or derivatives 16194 7 126 573 1516 4793 3123 2402 1852 788 1014
Wood 1794 0 16 71 147 416 380 335 260 87 82
Coal or derivatives 671 0 2 51 96 175 108 119 58 33 29
Others 361 0 0 5 21 79 62 80 70 18 26
Without heating installation, but with individual room heaters TOTAL 17254 58 550 1813 2334 5086 2808 2044 1344 537 680
Gas 1668 4 57 277 280 516 210 139 84 42 59
Electricity 4066 14 131 425 584 1397 579 429 264 86 157
Petroleum or derivatives 626 2 31 57 126 180 84 71 41 22 12
Wood 10365 38 321 1018 1277 2858 1824 1331 904 362 432
Coal or derivatives 263 0 6 23 48 76 44 31 16 9 10
Others 266 0 4 13 19 59 67 43 35 16 10

Due to an error in assigning the labels, the data corresponding to individual heating and group heating have been
modified with date 13/05/04. In the previous version both categories were interchanged between themselves.