Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to occupation (large groups) by gender
and professional situation. 47-Valladolid

  TOTAL 0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers
TOTAL TOTAL 197814 2612 17236 27485 21693 18016 26034 8334 32878 22750 20776
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 12460 0 6137 1138 462 142 1030 732 2039 598 182
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 23154 0 5672 2058 1562 307 2653 5353 3006 1742 801
Fixed or indefinite employee 113837 1641 4948 18011 15521 12679 15019 1432 18390 15732 10464
Tempory employee 47351 971 400 6224 4091 4840 7124 730 9218 4574 9179
Another situation (Family help) 530 0 53 34 35 23 172 50 44 31 88
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 482 0 26 20 22 25 36 37 181 73 62
Male TOTAL 127571 2214 11933 13264 12910 7230 10272 7725 30218 20373 11432
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 9572 0 4541 797 319 70 562 659 1930 556 138
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 17151 0 3291 1237 1148 156 1275 5113 2736 1635 560
Fixed or indefinite employee 74187 1451 3827 8963 9518 5693 6426 1308 16984 14330 5687
Tempory employee 26109 763 235 2247 1900 1293 1952 575 8392 3791 4961
Another situation (Family help) 215 0 17 10 13 3 41 36 30 23 42
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 337 0 22 10 12 15 16 34 146 38 44
Female TOTAL 70243 398 5303 14221 8783 10786 15762 609 2660 2377 9344
Businessperson or professional who employs personnel 2888 0 1596 341 143 72 468 73 109 42 44
Businessperson or professional who does not employ personnel 6003 0 2381 821 414 151 1378 240 270 107 241
Fixed or indefinite employee 39650 190 1121 9048 6003 6986 8593 124 1406 1402 4777
Tempory employee 21242 208 165 3977 2191 3547 5172 155 826 783 4218
Another situation (Family help) 315 0 36 24 22 20 131 14 14 8 46
Another situation (Member of cooperatives) 145 0 4 10 10 10 20 3 35 35 18