Population in family dwellings in buildings destined mainly for dwellings according to year of arrival of
the household at the dwellings by year of construction of the building (grouped).
. 47-Valladolid

  2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1991-1995 1981-1990 1971-1980 1961-1970 1941-1960 Before 1941 TOTAL
TOTAL 24553 4,99% 23172 4,71% 25391 5,16% 22630 4,60% 17987 3,66% 16901 3,44% 65249 13,27% 121367 24,68% 105527 21,46% 43881 8,92% 19774 4,02% 5320 1,08% 491752
Before 1900 410 2,23% 322 1,75% 463 2,51% 341 1,85% 354 1,92% 334 1,81% 1194 6,49% 2731 14,83% 2666 14,48% 2772 15,06% 3571 19,40% 3253 17,67% 18411
1900-1920 191 3,10% 133 2,16% 239 3,88% 151 2,45% 117 1,90% 126 2,05% 506 8,21% 1027 16,67% 956 15,52% 907 14,72% 930 15,10% 877 14,24% 6160
1921-1940 177 2,34% 216 2,86% 195 2,58% 178 2,35% 144 1,90% 160 2,12% 559 7,39% 1178 15,57% 1318 17,42% 1015 13,42% 1234 16,31% 1190 15,73% 7564
1941-1950 382 2,89% 280 2,12% 431 3,27% 359 2,72% 286 2,17% 359 2,72% 1113 8,43% 2191 16,60% 2212 16,76% 1921 14,55% 3665 27,77% . . 13199
1951-1960 1405 3,28% 1348 3,15% 1390 3,25% 1218 2,85% 1137 2,66% 1117 2,61% 3728 8,71% 6973 16,29% 6663 15,57% 7444 17,39% 10374 24,24% . . 42797
1961-1970 3854 3,63% 3411 3,22% 3528 3,33% 3415 3,22% 3051 2,88% 2865 2,70% 9926 9,36% 19174 18,08% 27008 25,47% 29822 28,12% . . . . 106054
1971-1980 3200 2,59% 3145 2,54% 3490 2,82% 3078 2,49% 2696 2,18% 2351 1,90% 10599 8,56% 30486 24,64% 64704 52,29% . . . . . . 123749
1981-1990 2380 2,75% 2139 2,47% 2623 3,03% 2433 2,81% 2402 2,78% 2142 2,48% 14766 17,07% 57607 66,60% . . . . . . . . 86492
1991-2001 12554 14,38% 12178 13,95% 13032 14,92% 11457 13,12% 7800 8,93% 7447 8,53% 22858 26,18% . . . . . . . . . . 87326