Persons in de facto couples according to marital status by sex and age. 48-Vizcaya

  TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced
TOTAL TOTAL 33781 25254 2221 1518 2836 1952
From 16 to 19 1097 1090 3 3 1 0
From 20 to 24 3008 2964 21 9 13 1
From 25 to 29 6798 6545 98 18 93 44
From 30 to 34 6873 6165 206 52 258 192
From 35 to 44 8986 6195 585 203 1085 918
From 45 to 54 3600 1420 452 262 906 560
From 55 to 64 1602 436 339 311 333 183
From 65 or more 1817 439 517 660 147 54
Male TOTAL 17119 12969 1429 410 1322 989
From 16 to 19 536 535 0 0 1 0
From 20 to 24 1215 1205 8 1 1 0
From 25 to 29 3076 3001 46 1 19 9
From 30 to 34 3533 3298 104 5 80 46
From 35 to 44 4846 3569 362 40 447 428
From 45 to 54 2030 855 313 51 466 345
From 55 to 64 883 248 235 70 208 122
From 65 or more 1000 258 361 242 100 39
Female TOTAL 16662 12285 792 1108 1514 963
From 16 to 19 561 555 3 3 0 0
From 20 to 24 1793 1759 13 8 12 1
From 25 to 29 3722 3544 52 17 74 35
From 30 to 34 3340 2867 102 47 178 146
From 35 to 44 4140 2626 223 163 638 490
From 45 to 54 1570 565 139 211 440 215
From 55 to 64 719 188 104 241 125 61
From 65 or more 817 181 156 418 47 15

De facto couples are all couples in which the components' marital status is not married to another person
at the same time