Population in family dwellings according to sex and age by type of household (detailed). 49-Zamora

  TOTAL Male Female
TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more TOTAL Less than 16 16-64 65 or more
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 197089 23875 118799 54415 97417 12302 61091 24024 99672 11573 57708 30391
Single person households TOTAL TOTAL 18600 0 6431 12169 7164 0 3969 3195 11436 0 2462 8974
Single person households TOTAL 18600 0 6431 12169 7164 0 3969 3195 11436 0 2462 8974
Single person households 18600 0 6431 12169 7164 0 3969 3195 11436 0 2462 8974
Multi person households that do not form a family TOTAL TOTAL 638 29 391 218 324 11 222 91 314 18 169 127
Do not form a family TOTAL 638 29 391 218 324 11 222 91 314 18 169 127
Do not form a family 638 29 391 218 324 11 222 91 314 18 169 127
A family without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 174601 23261 109789 41551 88315 11978 55802 20535 86286 11283 53987 21016
Without nucleus TOTAL 5076 79 2564 2433 2446 38 1576 832 2630 41 988 1601
Without nucleus 5076 79 2564 2433 2446 38 1576 832 2630 41 988 1601
Just one nucleus TOTAL 139634 19760 88328 31546 71059 10212 44656 16191 68575 9548 43672 15355
Partner without children 30126 0 9383 20743 15066 0 4101 10965 15060 0 5282 9778
Partner with children 94988 17868 69301 7819 49558 9223 35794 4541 45430 8645 33507 3278
Father with children 2955 380 1945 630 2279 201 1452 626 676 179 493 4
Mother with children 11565 1512 7699 2354 4156 788 3309 59 7409 724 4390 2295
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 20824 1742 13369 5713 10386 880 6962 2544 10438 862 6407 3169
Partner without children 5291 106 2559 2626 2690 53 1317 1320 2601 53 1242 1306
Partner with children 12466 1288 8815 2363 6276 647 4601 1028 6190 641 4214 1335
Father with children 706 85 456 165 439 47 301 91 267 38 155 74
Mother with children 2361 263 1539 559 981 133 743 105 1380 130 796 454
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 7369 1350 4469 1550 3612 696 2090 826 3757 654 2379 724
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 7369 1350 4469 1550 3612 696 2090 826 3757 654 2379 724
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 1698 330 1059 309 812 152 518 142 886 178 541 167
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 1698 330 1059 309 812 152 518 142 886 178 541 167
A family, with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 2474 394 1676 404 1225 204 852 169 1249 190 824 235
Without nucleus TOTAL 221 30 151 40 111 17 78 16 110 13 73 24
Without nucleus 221 30 151 40 111 17 78 16 110 13 73 24
Just one nucleus TOTAL 1540 245 1063 232 760 128 539 93 780 117 524 139
Partner without children 236 5 130 101 116 4 64 48 120 1 66 53
Partner with children 773 133 572 68 372 62 288 22 401 71 284 46
Father with children 155 35 101 19 94 25 58 11 61 10 43 8
Mother with children 376 72 260 44 178 37 129 12 198 35 131 32
A nucleus with other related persons TOTAL 507 79 330 98 241 33 164 44 266 46 166 54
Partner without children 119 6 67 46 46 1 26 19 73 5 41 27
Partner with children 219 34 150 35 115 15 81 19 104 19 69 16
Father with children 68 15 44 9 39 8 27 4 29 7 17 5
Mother with children 101 24 69 8 41 9 30 2 60 15 39 6
Two or more nuclei without other related persons TOTAL 157 37 95 25 86 23 51 12 71 14 44 13
Two or more nuclei without other related persons 157 37 95 25 86 23 51 12 71 14 44 13
Two or more nuclei with other related persons TOTAL 49 3 37 9 27 3 20 4 22 0 17 5
Two or more nuclei with other related persons 49 3 37 9 27 3 20 4 22 0 17 5
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL TOTAL 705 174 465 66 355 103 219 33 350 71 246 33
Two or more families without other persons TOTAL 705 174 465 66 355 103 219 33 350 71 246 33
Two or more families without other persons 705 174 465 66 355 103 219 33 350 71 246 33
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL TOTAL 71 17 47 7 34 6 27 1 37 11 20 6
Two or more families with other non-related persons TOTAL 71 17 47 7 34 6 27 1 37 11 20 6
Two or more families with other non-related persons 71 17 47 7 34 6 27 1 37 11 20 6