Buildings primarily destined for housing, according to type of owner by state. 50-Zaragoza

  TOTAL One person The Community A company A public institution
      142327 123504 18502 257 64
    100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
In ruin     1861 1768 87 6 0
    1,31% 1,43% 0,47% 2,33% 0
Bad     2999 2737 255 5 2
    2,11% 2,22% 1,38% 1,95% 3,13%
Deficient     10258 9215 1024 17 2
    7,21% 7,46% 5,53% 6,61% 3,13%
Good     127209 109784 17136 229 60
    89,38% 88,89% 92,62% 89,11% 93,75%