Mothers and fathers in lone parent nuclei according to marital status by sex and age. 50-Zaragoza

  TOTAL Marital Status of the father Marital Status of the mother
TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced TOTAL Single Married Widow Separated Divorced
TOTAL 33572 2424 6977 16784 4342 3045 6685 425 2429 2952 507 372 26887 1999 4548 13832 3835 2673
15-19 61 54 6 0 0 1 11 10 1 0 0 0 50 44 5 0 0 1
20-24 339 260 34 3 41 1 48 38 10 0 0 0 291 222 24 3 41 1
25-29 873 361 314 17 143 38 133 54 70 1 7 1 740 307 244 16 136 37
30-34 2158 434 1032 91 408 193 409 91 274 10 25 9 1749 343 758 81 383 184
35-39 3250 387 1524 243 699 397 692 64 514 36 50 28 2558 323 1010 207 649 369
40-44 3401 302 1115 532 837 615 666 60 377 92 80 57 2735 242 738 440 757 558
45-49 3479 238 951 817 798 675 695 41 334 134 107 79 2784 197 617 683 691 596
50-54 3520 163 759 1393 624 581 743 30 294 225 106 88 2777 133 465 1168 518 493
55-59 3054 74 544 1714 409 313 624 11 232 275 53 53 2430 63 312 1439 356 260
60-64 2431 45 306 1757 195 128 502 5 138 292 35 32 1929 40 168 1465 160 96
65-69 2708 28 191 2320 103 66 548 4 88 424 19 13 2160 24 103 1896 84 53
70-74 2539 27 104 2326 53 29 515 8 57 427 14 9 2024 19 47 1899 39 20
75-79 2174 24 57 2066 20 7 417 3 32 372 7 3 1757 21 25 1694 13 4
80-84 1706 11 18 1668 8 1 304 2 4 296 2 0 1402 9 14 1372 6 1
85-89 1218 9 19 1187 3 0 251 3 4 243 1 0 967 6 15 944 2 0
90 or more 661 7 3 650 1 0 127 1 0 125 1 0 534 6 3 525 0 0