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25 September 2024

Business Statistics by Group Status

Year 2022

Main results

  • Enterprises residing in Spain that form part of groups generated 66.9% of the turnover of Industry, Trade and Non-financial Services.
  • Affiliates of foreign multinational groups invoiced 745,265 million euros and employed 2,119,008 people.
  • France, Germany and the United States were the countries whose affiliates generated the highest turnovers in 2022.

More information

In 2022, there were 2,985,492 enterprises in the Industry, Trade and Non-financial Services sectors in Spain1. 56,177 of them, 1.9% of the total, formed part of a corporate group (domestic, Spanish multinational or foreign multinational).

These enterprises that were part of groups accounted for 41.9% of all the employed personnel and generated 66.9% of the turnover of these three sectors.

Main variables according to membership of a corporate group and types. Year 2022

In terms of company size, resident enterprises that form part of groups accounted for a large part of the turnover of enterprises with 250 or more employees. Thus, large enterprises belonging to Spanish multinationals invoiced 17.6% of the total and those that formed part of foreign multinationals invoiced 19.4%.

As for those that were not part of groups, they recorded their greatest contribution to the turnover of enterprises with fewer than 10 employees, accounting for 15.4% of the total.

Turnover by company size. Year 2022

Percentage with respect to the total of residing enterprises.

By activity sectors, multinational group enterprises generated the highest turnover in Industry, with 24.8% of the total.

As for enterprises that were not part of a group, the largest contribution came from the Trade sector, which generates 14.5% of the turnover.

Productivity, investment and exports

Analysing different indicators, enterprises belonging to corporate groups (especially multinationals) displayed higher productivity in 2022, exported more and had greater investment intensity than the others.

Indicators according to corporate group membership and sector of activity. Year 2022

Productivity: added value at factor cost / employed personnel.
Sales rate outside Spain: sales outside Spain / turnover*100.
Material investment rate: Investment in material assets / value added at factor cost * 100.

Affiliates of foreign enterprises in Spain (FILINT)

In 2022, there were 14,209 affiliates of foreign enterprises in the Industry, Trade and Non-financial market services sectors. These affiliates generated a turnover totalling 745,265 million euros and employed 2,119,008 people.

Results by sector and branch of activity

52.6% of the affiliate enterprises were in the Services sector, 30.9% in the Trade sector and 16.5% in the industrial sector.

Affiliates in the Industrial sector generated 46.4% of the total turnover of these companies. As for employment, those in the Services sector employed 52.6% of the total.

Affiliates of foreign enterprises in Spain. Year 2022

Main variables by activity sector.

The branch of activity that recorded the largest number of affiliates was Professional, scientific and technical activities (14.2% of the total). In terms of turnover, the sector that contributed most was Mining and quarrying industries, energy, water and waste (14.3% of the total). Meanwhile, the one with the most employees was Administrative and support services activities (14.8% of the total).

With regard to the contribution of each branch of activity, we should highlight Transport material, for which 82.8% of the overall turnover was generated by foreign affiliate enterprises.

The following branches with the greatest contributions were Electrical, electronic and optical materials and equipment and Chemical and pharmaceutical industry, with respective totals of 49.0% and 46.8%.

In contrast, the branches of activity with the lowest contributions were Education, Transport and postal and courier activities, Textile, clothing, leather and footwear, Hospitality and catering, and Other services (except associative activities), all of them with less than 10.0%.

Results by country of the parent company

The countries whose affiliates generated the greatest turnovers in 2022 were France (15.2% of the total), Germany (13.7%) and the United States (12.9%).

In turn, the enterprises that contributed the greatest number of affiliates were Germany (11.7% of the total), France (11.6%) and the United States (11.1%).

It should be noted that the main ten countries accounted for 76.6% of the total number of affiliates and 86.1% of the turnover generated by these affiliates.

Principales países de la empresa matriz, según cifra de negocios y número de filiales. Año 2022


By geographical areas, the affiliates with parent companies in the Euro Zone generated 59.6% of the turnover of all affiliates in Spain. The figures were: Rest of Europe 17.3%, America 15.6%, and Asia and ROW 7.6%.

Data revisions and updates

The data published today are final. All results are available on INEBase.

Methodological note

The Business Statistics on Affiliated Enterprises (EEPG by its Spanish initials) presents annual information on the main economic and employment variables of enterprises resident in Spain from industrial, commercial and non-financial services sectors, classifying the statistical findings according to whether the enterprise forms part of a corporate group, differentiating by the type of group (entirely domestically held, Spanish multinational or foreign multinational). The statistic includes economic aggregates such as the value of production and gross value added, as well as the main indicators.

In addition, specifically for enterprises of foreign multinationals in Spain (i.e. affiliates of foreign enterprises in Spain), it describes information by the activity and size of the affiliate enterprise, as well as the country or geographical area of the parent company with ultimate control over it.

The EEPG integrates the information of the Structural Business Statistics in the Industry, Trade and Services sectors and adds information related to the membership and typology of the business group that the enterprise forms part of. The above enables us to offer statistical results classifying enterprises residing in Spain into sub-populations of interest for macroeconomic analysis and the study of globalisation.

Type of operation:
annual continuous operation.
Population scope:
enterprises resident in Spain in the industrial, trade and non-financial services sectors (sections B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, P, Q, R and divisions S95 and S96 of the CNAE-2009).
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Reference period:
the calendar year, which, with some exceptions, coincides with the enterprise’s accounting year.
Collection method:
using information from the Structural Business Statistics of the industrial, trade and non-financial services sectors.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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