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18 January 2024

Industrial Turnover Indices (ITI)

November 2023. Provisional data

Main results

  • The annual rate variation of the Total Industrial Turnover Index stands at -2.3% in the seasonal and calendar adjusted series, and at -2.2% in the original one.
  • The monthly variation stands at 1.7%, after seasonal and calendar adjustment.

More information

  • Tables annex (includes information by autonomous communities and original and adjusted series by sectors).
  • Detailed results (monthly and annual data).

The Industrial Turnover Index (ITI), once adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, showed in November a variation of -2.3% as compared with the same month of the previous year.

The ITI original series registered an annual variation of -2.2%.

Industrial Turnover Index. November 2023
Monthly rate. Percentage

By market, negative annual rates were observed in two of the analysed markets in November. It is worth noting the decrease registered in the non euro area in the foreign market (-4.7%).

Industrial Turnover Index, Total and by market. November 2023
Annual rate. Percentage.

Monthly trend of ITI

The monthly variation of the seasonally and calendar adjusted Total Industrial Turnover Index between the months of November and October, stood at 1.7%. This rate was 3.2 points higher than the previous month.

Industrial Turnover Index, Total. Seasonally and calendar adjusted. November 2023
Annual rate. Percentage

By Main Industrial Groupings (MIGs), four of the five sectors showed positive monthly rates. It is worth highlighting the increases in Capital goods (2.7%), followed by Durable consumer goods (2.1%). The only sector that decreased was Energy (-3.5%).

Results by Autonomous Community. Original series

Turnover increased as compared to November 2022 in five Autonomous Communities and decreased in 11.

The largest increases were recorded in La Rioja (10.4%), Castilla y León (7.0%) and Castilla - La Mancha and Illes Balears (3.2%, in both cases).

The largest decreases were recorded in Principado de Asturias (-16.5%), Cantabria (-13.4%) and País Vasco (-8.4%).

Annual rate Industrial Turnover Index. November 2023

Revisions and data update

On the press release day, INE has updated ITI data series corresponding to the last 13 months. In the case of calendar adjusted and seasonally and calendar adjusted series, according to INE standard, series are revised since its beginning. Results are available at INEbase.

Methodological note

The Industrial Turnover Indices (ICN) aim to measure the evolution of the activity of companies that are part of the industrial sector in Spain, based on their turnover figures. This information is also requested disaggregated by markets.

Survey Type:
ongoing monthly.
Base year:
Population scope:
units of economic activity whose main activity is included in Sections B: Extractive industries (with the exception, due to their not being relevant to Spanish industry, of division 09) or C: Manufacturing industry of CNAE-2009.
Geographical scope:
the whole country, excluding Ceuta and Melilla.
Reference period for results and information:
the calendar month.
Sample size:
Approx. 12,000 establishments.
Collection method:
fill in a questionnaire by the respondent using one of the following methods: internet (IRIA system), email, fax, telephone or post.

Further information is available in the methodology and in the standardised methodological report.

INE's statistics are produced according to the European Statistics Code of Practice. For further information at Quality at INE and Code of Practice.

For further information see Inicio INEbase Official INE account on @es_ine
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