Basic Demographic Indicators. 2002-2011 series (data in force until 18th June 2013)
NOTA: These results are out-of-date once final population figures are available for the 2002-2011 period, provided by the 2001-2011 Intercensal Population Estimates.
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- Birth and Fertility
- Mortality
- Population growth and structure indicators
- Marriage
Male rate at birth.
Male rate at birth, by Autonomous Community
Percentage of newborns, by order of birth, according to the nationality (Spanish/foreign) of the mother
Percentage of newborns, by order of birth, by Autonomous Community, according to the nationality (Spanish/foreign) of the mother
Average age at maternity, by order of birth, according to the nationality (Spanish/foreign) of the mother.
Average age at maternity, by order of birth, by Autonomous Community, according to the nationality (Spanish/foreign) of the mother
Average age at maternity, by order of birth,by Province
Percentage of newborns, by order of birth, by province
Male rate at birth, by province
Crude Birth rate by Autonomous Communities
Birth rate by Autonomous Community and nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother
Fertility rate by nationality (spanish/foreigner) and age of the mother, by Autonomous Community
Short-term fertility indicator by Autonomous Community, nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother
Average age of women at childbirth by Autonomous Community according to the nationality (spanish/foreigner)of the mother
Fertility rate by nationality (spanish/foreigner) and age of the mother, by Autonomous Community
Short-term fertility indicator by Autonomous Community, by order of birth and nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother
Global fertility rate by Autonomous Community by nationality (spanish/foreigner)of the mother
Percentage of birth to unmarried mothers by Autonomous Community, according to the nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother
Fertility rate by age of the mother, by Province (since 1991)
Fertility rate by age of the mother, by Province (since 1991)
Crude Birth rate by Province
Fertility rate by age of the mother, by Province (from 1975 to 1990)
Short-term fertility indicator by Province
Average age of women at childbirth by Province
Fertility rate by birth and age of the mother, by Province (from 1975 to 1990)
Short-term fertility indicator by order of birth, by Province
Global fertility rate by province
Percentage of birth to unmarried mothers by Province
Crude Birth rate
Birth rate by nationality of the mother (spanish/foreigner)
Fertility rate by nationality (spanish/foreigner) and age of the mother
Short-term fertility indicator by nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother
Fertility rate by order of birth, nationality (spanish/foreigner) and age of the mother
Short-term fertility indicator by order of birth and nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother
Global fertility rate by nationality(spanish(foreigner) of the mother
Percentage of birth to unmarried mothers, according to the nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother
Percentage of newborns, by order of birth, according to the nationality (spanish/foreign) of the mother
Percentage of newborns, by order of birth, by Autonomous Community, according to the nationality (spanish/foreigner) of the mother.
Crude mortality rate by Province
Mortality rate by Province and by sex and age (from 1975 to 1990)
Infant Mortality rate by Province and by sex
Life expectancy at birth by Province and by sex
Life expectancy at age 65 years old, by sex
Mortality rate by Autnomous Community, by sex and age
Male rate at death
Male rate at death, by Autonomous Community
Male rate at death, by province
Early neonatal infant mortality rate, by Autonomous Community, according to sex
Early neonatal infant mortality rate, by province, according to sex
Early neonatal infant mortality rate, according to sex
Late neonatal infant mortality rate, according to sex
Late neonatal infant mortality rate, by Autonomous Community, according to sex
Post-neonatal infant mortality rate, by province, according to sex
Post-neonatal infant mortality rate, by Autonomous Community, according to sex
Post-neonatal infant mortality rate, according to sex
Late neonatal infant mortality rate, by province, according to sex
Late neonatal infant mortality rate, according to sex
Late neonatal infant mortality rate, by Autonomous Community, according to sex
Late foetal mortality rate, by Province, according to sex
Perinatal mortality rate, by province, by sex
Perinatal mortality rate, by Autonomous Community, by sex
Perinatal mortality rate, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 year old, as compared with total deaths, by Autonomous Community, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 year old, as compared with total deaths, by province, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 year old, as compared with total deaths, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 month old, as compared with total deaths, by Autonomous Community, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 month old, as compared with total deaths, by province, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 month old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 year old, by Autonomous Community, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 year old, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 year old, by Autonomous Community, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with total deaths, by province, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 month old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 year old, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 month old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 year old, by province, by sex
Mortality rates, according to sex
Mortality rates, according to sex, by province
Mortality rates, according to sex, by Autonomous Community
Neonatal infant mortality rate, according to sex
Neonatal infant mortality rate, by province, according to sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 year old, as compared with total deaths, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 year old, as compared with total deaths, by Autonomous Community, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 year old, by province, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 month old, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 month old, by Autonomous Community, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 month old, by province, by sex
Percentage of deaths of babies under 1 week old, as compared with deaths of babies under 1 year old, by sex
Mortality rate by Autnomous Community, by sex and age (since 1991)
Crude mortality rate by Autonomous Community
Mortality rate by Autonomous Community and by sex and age (from 1975 to 1990)
Infant Mortality rate by Autonomous Community and by sex/A>
Life expectancy at birth by Autonomos Community and by sex
Life expectancy at age 65 years old by Autonomous Community, by sex
Mortality rate by province by sex and age (since 1991)
Crude mortality rate
Mortality rate by sex and age
Infant Mortality rate by sex
Life expectancy at birth by sex
Life expectancy at age 65 years old, by sex
Natural increase per thousand inhabitants by Province
Dependency rate of the population aged over 64 years old by Province
Ageing Index by Province
Dependency rate by Province
Dependency rate of the population under 16 years of age by Province
Dependency rate of the population aged over 64 years old by Province
Births per 1,000 deaths
Male rate of the population
Male rate of the population, by Autonomous Community
Male rate of the population, by province
Median age of the population, according to sex
Median age of the population, by Autonomous Community, accoording to sex
Median age of the population, by province, according to sex
Births per 1,000 deaths, by Autonomous Community
Births per 1,000 deaths, by province
Natural increase per thousand inhabitants by Autonomous Community
Proportion of persons over 64 years old by Autonomous Community
Ageing Index by Autonomous Community
Dependency rate by Autonomous Community
Dependency rate of the population under 16 years of age by Autonomous Community
Dependency rate of the population aged over 64 years old by AutonomousCommunity
Median age of the population, according to sex
Median age of the population, by Autonomous Community, accoording to sex
Median age of the population, by province, according to sex
Natural increase per thousand inhabitants
Proportion of persons over 64 years old
Ageing Index
Dependency rate
Dependency rate of the population under 16 years old
Dependency rate of the population aged over 64 years old
Crude Marriage rate by Province
Short-term marriage indicator by Province, by sex
Marriage rate by Autonomous Community, by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
EAverage age at marriage by Autonomous Community, by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
First-Marriage rate by Autonomous Community, by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
First-Marriage rate by Autonomous Community, by sex, age and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Short-term First-Marriage Indicator by Autonomous Community, by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Average rate at first marriage by Autonomous Community, by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Crude Marriage rate by Autonomous Community
Short-term marriage indicator by Autonomous community, by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Marriage rate by Province, by sex and age (from 1976 to 1990)
Marriage rate by Province, by sex
Average age at marrriage by province, by sex
First-Marriage rate by Province, by sex.
First-Marriage rate by province, by sex and age (from 1976 to 1990)
Short-term First-Marriage Indicator by Province and by sex
Average rate at first marriage by province and by sex
Marriage rate by Province, by sex and age (since 1991)
First-Marriage rate by province, by sex and age (since1991)
Marriage rate by sex, age and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Short-term marriage Indicator, by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Average age at marriage by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
First-Marriage rate by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
First-Marriage rate by sex, age and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Short-term First-Marriage Indicator by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Average rate at first marriage by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Crude Marriage rate
Marriage rate by sex and nationality (spanish/foreigner)
Marriage rate by Autonomous Community, by sex, age and nationality (spanish/foreigner)