Abbreviations of organisations
AIMC. Association for the Research of the Media
ALTADIS. Alliance, Tobacco and Distribution
CGPJ. General Council of the Judiciary Branch
EUROSTAT. Statistical Office of the European Communities
FOMENTO. Ministry of Fostering
IMSERSO. Institute for the Elderly and Social Services
INSALUD. National Health Institute
ISFAS. Social Institute of the Armed Forces
MAPA. Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food
MARM. Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs
MAS. Ministry of Social Affairs
MC. Ministry of Culture
ME. Ministry of Education
MEH. Ministry of Economy and Treasury
MI. Home Office
MECD. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
MMA. Ministry of the Environment
MSC. Ministry of Health and Consumption
MSPSI. Ministry of Health and Social Policy and Equality
MSSSI. Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
MTAS. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
MTIN. Ministry of Labour and Immigration
MUFACE. General Society of State Civil Servants
MUGEJU. General Judicial Society
OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEPM. Spanish Patent and Trademark Office
ONLAE. Spanish National Lotteries
ONT. National Transplant Organisation
SGAE. General Association of Writers and Publishers
Conventional signs
"..." data is not available
"-" It is zero, not resulting from rounding.