Agrcultural Census 1.- Classification according to total area 010701b.px Units: ? Garden tractors, motor mowers, motor hoes, self-propelled rotary cultivators cereal harvesters other harvesters Operations Machines Operations Machines Operations Machines All operations 1,885 2,009 1,498 1,552 354 379 Operations without lands 22 24 .. 0 .. 0 Operations with lands 1,863 1,985 1,498 1,552 354 379 >=0.1 to < 0.2 25 25 1 1 .. 0 >=0.2 to < 0.5 70 71 .. 0 1 1 >=0.5 to < 1 139 141 1 1 .. 0 >=1 to < 2 189 190 1 1 2 2 >=2 to < 3 123 130 .. 0 2 2 >=3 to < 4 81 88 2 4 .. 0 >=4 to < 5 68 68 1 1 .. 0 >=5 to < 10 189 204 13 14 13 13 >=10 to < 20 201 219 38 39 26 27 >=20 to < 30 178 184 83 83 32 32 >=30 to < 50 190 211 210 210 61 63 >=50 to < 70 97 106 185 189 43 43 >=70 to < 100 103 109 270 274 52 53 >=100 to < 150 106 129 327 338 55 58 >=150 to < 200 37 38 157 164 25 28 >=200 to < 300 38 40 120 128 21 22 >=300 to < 500 17 18 60 66 11 12 >=500 to < 1000 12 14 23 31 10 23 >= 1000 .. 0 6 8 .. 0 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute