Agrcultural Census 1.- Classification according to total area 011102.px Units: ? Total Owner Spouse Other family member Employee Number of Operations ALU Number of Operations ALU Number of Operations ALU Number of Operations ALU Number of Operations ALU All operations 20,579 7,510 17,486 6,659 689 182 661 119 1,743 550 Operations without lands 514 399 468 369 7 3 5 2 34 25 Operations with lands 20,065 7,111 17,018 6,290 682 179 656 117 1,709 525 >=0.1 to < 0.2 300 54 274 45 2 0 10 1 14 8 >=0.2 to < 0.5 865 98 785 87 25 1 32 1 23 8 >=0.5 to < 1 1,236 120 1,105 107 44 3 62 3 25 8 >=1 to < 2 1,734 181 1,549 156 58 7 83 5 44 13 >=2 to < 3 1,125 156 997 135 34 5 56 4 38 12 >=3 to < 4 739 121 664 104 22 4 30 3 23 10 >=4 to < 5 591 102 537 91 10 2 27 3 17 6 >=5 to < 10 1,834 422 1,641 377 63 13 62 12 68 20 >=10 to < 20 2,253 693 1,989 638 96 22 96 19 72 13 >=20 to < 30 1,851 762 1,601 687 93 27 77 19 80 28 >=30 to < 50 2,319 1,142 2,031 1,043 122 48 55 16 111 35 >=50 to < 70 1,365 807 1,166 741 42 16 35 11 122 38 >=70 to < 100 1,294 878 1,128 813 40 16 15 8 111 42 >=100 to < 150 1,074 773 879 689 16 7 10 6 169 71 >=150 to < 200 457 335 336 284 4 3 3 2 114 47 >=200 to < 300 397 244 203 179 5 2 1 1 188 62 >=300 to < 500 262 122 83 70 4 3 1 1 174 49 >=500 to < 1000 214 76 39 33 2 1 1 1 172 40 >= 1000 155 26 11 11 .. 0 .. 0 144 15 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute