Agrcultural Census 2.- Classification according to used agricultural area 020107.px Units: ? Total of lands for permanent pastures Lands for permanent pastures. Dry. Lands for permanent pastures. Irrigated. Total of permanent fields or pasture lands Permanent fields and pasture lands. Dry. Permanent fields and pasture lands. Irrigated. Other areas for pastures. Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Operations Ha. Oper. with UAA 4,270 280,080 4,212 279,760 89 320 2,957 117,497 2,892 117,177 89 320 1,855 162,582 > 0.0 - < 0.2 103 11 99 10 4 1 81 8 77 7 4 1 30 3 >= 0.2 - < 0.5 165 52 157 48 8 3 138 36 130 33 8 3 67 16 >= 0.5 - < 1 178 113 168 106 10 7 146 65 136 58 10 7 100 48 >= 1 - < 2 175 210 166 199 9 10 128 126 119 116 9 10 93 83 >= 2 - < 3 133 259 125 241 13 18 110 196 100 178 13 18 46 63 >= 3 - < 4 92 254 88 241 5 13 72 195 67 182 5 13 26 59 >= 4 - < 5 97 327 96 321 2 6 77 232 75 227 2 6 30 95 >= 5 - < 10 296 1,496 296 1,484 5 12 238 1,202 237 1,189 5 12 74 294 >= 10 - < 20 476 4,095 469 4,061 8 34 350 3,044 343 3,010 8 34 160 1,051 >= 20 - < 30 403 4,664 402 4,629 3 35 291 3,346 289 3,311 3 35 165 1,318 >= 30 - < 50 536 8,253 533 8,238 7 15 362 5,328 359 5,313 7 15 223 2,925 >= 50 - < 70 354 8,441 354 8,441 1 0 225 4,767 225 4,767 1 0 155 3,674 >= 70 - < 100 324 10,786 323 10,686 6 100 213 6,001 212 5,901 6 100 145 4,785 >= 100 - < 150 307 17,004 307 17,002 1 2 173 7,042 173 7,040 1 2 173 9,962 >= 150 - < 200 197 18,269 197 18,269 .. .. 118 8,252 118 8,252 .. .. 108 10,017 >= 200 - < 300 174 27,816 174 27,785 3 31 100 12,651 100 12,620 3 31 94 15,166 >= 300 - < 500 110 32,873 109 32,843 2 30 62 13,336 60 13,305 2 30 68 19,538 >= 500 - < 1,000 95 54,311 95 54,311 1 0 44 20,959 44 20,959 1 0 61 33,352 >= 1,000 55 90,846 54 90,843 1 4 29 30,711 28 30,708 1 4 37 60,135 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute