Agrcultural Census 2.- Classification according to used agricultural area 020702.px Units: Operations Tractors Garden tractors, motor mowers, motor hoes and self-propelled rotary cultivators Cereal harvesters Other harvesters Joint ownership, cooperative or ATC Another operation or services company Joint ownership, cooperative or ATC Another operation or services company Joint ownership, cooperative or ATC Another operation or services company Joint ownership, cooperative or ATC Another operation or services company Total operations 1,220 4,399 162 259 872 9,024 246 386 without land 8 16 2 7 .. .. .. .. with lands 1,212 4,383 160 252 872 9,024 246 386 without UAA 30 48 25 .. .. .. .. .. with UAA 1,182 4,335 135 252 872 9,024 246 386 > 0.0 - < 0.2 8 137 7 19 .. 4 .. .. >= 0.2 - < 0.5 15 432 9 56 1 15 .. .. >= 0.5 - < 1 19 517 5 46 .. 51 .. .. >= 1 - < 2 38 509 12 32 3 179 .. 4 >= 2 - < 3 39 301 6 20 5 207 2 2 >= 3 - < 4 21 224 2 5 5 204 2 5 >= 4 - < 5 20 174 .. 5 5 188 3 3 >= 5 - < 10 103 613 15 19 19 989 13 15 >= 10 - < 20 183 670 17 11 70 1,690 31 55 >= 20 - < 30 162 349 9 12 103 1,437 33 41 >= 30 - < 50 228 257 11 9 186 1,643 62 78 >= 50 - < 70 111 49 9 .. 129 877 37 48 >= 70 - < 100 102 39 16 2 161 702 36 61 >= 100 - < 150 71 32 6 7 117 470 17 41 >= 150 - < 200 27 12 7 2 28 159 6 16 >= 200 - < 300 19 9 2 1 29 100 4 9 >= 300 - < 500 8 4 2 3 4 62 .. 4 >= 500 - < 1,000 7 5 .. 3 7 38 .. 3 >= 1,000 1 2 .. .. .. 9 .. 1 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute