Statistics on Products in the Trade Sector Retail trade Retail trade made in establishments (from 471 to 477 groups CNAE2009): distribution of establishments according to sales area and main activity Units: Units Total Retail trade in non-specialized stores (471 CNAE2009) Retail trade of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores (472 CNAE2009) Retail trade of automotive fuel in specialized stores (473 CNAE2009) Retail trade of equipment for technology of the information and comunication in specialized stores (474 CNAE2009) Retail trade of other household goods in specialized stores (475 CNAE2009) Retail trade of cultural and recreational goods in specialized stores (476 CNAE2009) Retail trade of other goods in specialized stores (477 CNAE2009) Total 500,220 70,422 114,541 9,884 16,058 79,709 32,957 176,649 Less than 120 m2 390,024 42,953 101,526 4,366 14,765 53,802 27,171 145,441 From 120 to 399 m2 71,781 15,952 4,706 2,535 998 18,165 4,347 25,078 From 400 to 999 m2 17,731 6,803 398 1,804 45 4,567 930 3,183 From 1000 to 2499 m2 8,428 3,830 63 938 119 2,206 331 941 Over 2499 2,116 658 12 239 52 758 104 293 Permanent jobs 10,139 226 7,835 0 79 212 73 1,713 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute