Statistics on Book Publishing Production Books edited in Spain Number of titles and of copies (thousands) by Autonomous City and Autonomous Community/province where they were edited and type of publication . Units: Number of titles and copies (thousands) Total Books Leaflets Number of titles Number of copies (thousands) Number of titles Number of copies (thousands) Number of titles Number of copies (thousands) Total 74,244 99,828 66,773 87,966 7,471 11,862 ANDALUCÍA 10,712 8,139 9,828 7,318 884 821 Almería 555 493 527 473 28 20 Cádiz 275 220 241 191 34 29 Córdoba 622 545 519 465 103 80 Granada 2,249 1,418 2,062 1,283 187 135 Huelva 133 99 115 87 18 12 Jaén 1,252 1,001 1,000 795 252 206 Málaga 1,215 1,276 1,141 1,090 74 186 Sevilla 4,411 3,087 4,223 2,934 188 153 ARAGàN 1,473 1,785 1,297 1,518 176 267 Huesca 143 142 126 132 17 10 Teruel 72 47 60 41 12 6 Zaragoza 1,258 1,596 1,111 1,345 147 251 Asturias (Principado de) 923 956 798 861 125 95 Balears (Illes) 900 889 755 760 145 129 CANARIAS 876 775 808 698 68 77 Palmas (Las) 354 327 330 305 24 22 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 522 448 478 393 44 55 CANTABRIA 524 497 438 421 86 76 CASTILLA Y LEàN 2,374 3,544 2,022 2,274 352 1,270 Ávila 61 58 54 52 7 6 Burgos 209 202 194 192 15 10 León 619 1,890 432 802 187 1,088 Palencia 104 100 90 92 14 8 Salamanca 498 659 455 570 43 89 Segovia 93 104 82 92 11 12 Soria 33 27 26 21 7 6 Valladolid 685 440 624 407 61 33 Zamora 72 64 65 46 7 18 Castilla - La Mancha 1,064 1,259 911 996 153 263 Albacete 240 261 210 191 30 70 Ciudad Real 264 249 217 222 47 27 Cuenca 210 132 174 110 36 22 Guadalajara 108 95 97 75 11 20 Toledo 242 522 213 398 29 124 CATALUÑA 20,324 36,899 17,992 32,085 2,332 4,814 Barcelona 18,797 35,349 16,646 30,766 2,151 4,583 Girona 695 778 602 654 93 124 Lleida 376 409 340 343 36 66 Tarragona 456 363 404 322 52 41 Comunitat Valenciana 4,211 4,202 3,714 3,621 497 581 Alicante/Alacant 698 774 632 709 66 65 Castellón/Castelló 259 167 237 155 22 12 Valencia/València 3,254 3,261 2,845 2,757 409 504 EXTREMADURA 540 408 485 368 55 40 Badajoz 328 252 298 229 30 23 Cáceres 212 156 187 139 25 17 GALICIA 2,866 3,258 2,371 2,653 495 605 Coruña (A) 1,652 1,853 1,437 1,573 215 280 Lugo 107 73 98 68 9 5 Ourense 153 108 106 69 47 39 Pontevedra 954 1,224 730 943 224 281 Madrid (Comunidad de) 23,443 32,331 21,883 30,123 1,560 2,208 Murcia (Región de) 693 481 617 418 76 63 Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) 809 1,319 755 1,271 54 48 PAÍS VASCO 2,197 2,866 1,836 2,398 361 468 Álava 198 232 167 157 31 75 Guipúzcoa 708 997 583 788 125 209 Vizcaya 1,291 1,637 1,086 1,453 205 184 Rioja (La) 249 172 212 148 37 24 Ceuta 33 19 28 15 5 4 Melilla 33 29 23 20 10 9 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute