Statistics on Book Publishing Production Chronological series Number of titles by Autonomous Community and Autonomous City where they were published and period. Units: Number of titles 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Total 64,154 62,180 60,185 59,567 61,008 56,030 56,435 69,668 74,244 76,206 74,521 86,330 72,914 66,270 63,551 60,492 72,048 66,780 62,525 62,011 59,174 ANDALUCÍA 6,906 6,729 6,332 5,566 6,102 6,129 6,247 8,903 10,712 9,303 8,590 8,032 6,985 5,641 5,091 4,632 4,734 4,679 4,399 3,645 3,623 ARAGàN 1,558 1,387 1,317 1,450 1,567 1,376 1,025 1,573 1,473 1,628 1,604 2,013 1,818 1,468 1,633 1,684 1,728 1,357 1,487 1,623 1,574 Asturias (Principado de) 965 838 845 904 920 882 808 1,019 923 1,106 1,200 1,295 1,280 1,110 1,105 1,086 1,414 763 819 672 931 Balears (Illes) 865 704 749 633 738 602 717 565 900 949 1,222 1,039 1,042 1,081 789 669 913 843 701 581 561 CANARIAS 784 612 741 666 1,071 748 795 748 876 1,004 861 1,060 1,157 1,050 955 805 1,009 631 640 680 792 CANTABRIA 536 424 446 414 499 422 391 470 524 525 468 438 548 474 440 433 439 475 375 396 374 CASTILLA Y LEàN 1,600 1,422 1,462 1,551 1,535 1,699 1,779 2,432 2,374 2,744 2,495 3,298 2,997 2,725 2,717 2,693 2,854 2,741 2,687 2,622 2,636 Castilla - La Mancha 1,025 943 962 952 827 868 771 870 1,064 867 937 1,078 992 783 849 785 969 810 761 676 711 CATALUÑA 19,043 17,804 18,520 16,895 17,835 16,079 16,086 18,767 20,324 20,533 20,871 27,451 18,570 18,384 17,899 15,612 22,169 21,185 18,983 21,129 19,803 Comunitat Valenciana 3,562 3,692 2,944 3,235 3,397 3,178 3,230 3,677 4,211 4,509 3,960 4,731 3,734 3,696 3,536 3,776 4,032 3,430 4,323 3,508 3,803 EXTREMADURA 567 881 605 480 572 602 776 794 540 723 512 632 638 490 527 487 513 461 411 346 305 GALICIA 2,213 1,998 1,872 1,990 2,171 2,295 1,869 2,660 2,866 2,778 3,180 3,747 2,364 2,444 2,014 2,414 2,373 2,154 2,025 2,014 1,752 Madrid (Comunidad de) 20,601 20,749 19,439 21,240 19,644 17,474 18,195 22,858 23,443 24,999 23,972 25,932 25,521 22,629 21,763 20,742 23,894 22,374 20,284 19,231 17,884 Murcia (Región de) 858 912 851 846 854 673 599 635 693 892 523 1,036 892 630 565 804 893 797 710 534 565 Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) 1,153 1,071 1,126 927 1,224 820 1,116 1,187 809 872 1,284 1,443 1,389 1,107 1,020 1,186 1,333 1,576 1,432 1,729 1,188 PAÍS VASCO 1,660 1,720 1,718 1,569 1,735 1,895 1,772 2,247 2,197 2,499 2,545 2,813 2,767 2,360 2,460 2,485 2,553 2,329 2,338 2,484 2,505 Rioja (La) 229 262 227 235 285 244 216 231 249 222 237 256 176 169 162 180 190 150 134 115 140 CEUTA 0 12 15 0 8 11 4 7 33 36 22 3 10 2 5 .. 21 6 5 14 12 MELILLA 29 20 14 14 24 33 39 25 33 17 38 33 34 27 21 19 17 19 11 12 15 Notes: 1) TITLES: In order to interpret correctly the published series of titles, see the statistics methodology Source: National Statistics Institute