University Education Statistic Tables by Autonomous Communities OBERTA DE CATALUNYA - Student body who finished studies in 2006 by Study, Type, Ownership and sex. Units: Student body TOTAL PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES Total Private Total Private Total Females Total Females Total Females Total Females TOTAL 2,954 1,293 2,954 1,293 2,954 1,293 2,954 1,293 DEGREE STUDIES 1,818 942 1,818 942 1,818 942 1,818 942 Business Admin. 270 100 270 100 270 100 270 100 Political and administrative sciences. 27 12 27 12 27 12 27 12 Work sciences 542 278 542 278 542 278 542 278 Audiovisual Communication 35 17 35 17 35 17 35 17 Law 187 52 187 52 187 52 187 52 Documentation 259 175 259 175 259 175 259 175 East Asian Studies 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 Philology 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 Humanities 73 40 73 40 73 40 73 40 Market Invest. and Tech 151 65 151 65 151 65 151 65 Psychology 54 34 54 34 54 34 54 34 Teaching Psychology 194 154 194 154 194 154 194 154 ENGIN. AND ARCH. STUDIES 88 17 88 17 88 17 88 17 Information technology Eng. 88 17 88 17 88 17 88 17 TECH. ENGIN. AND ARCH. STUDIES 408 51 408 51 408 51 408 51 Computer Management Tec. Eng. 163 32 163 32 163 32 163 32 Systems Tec. Eng. 245 19 245 19 245 19 245 19 DIPLOMA STUDIES 640 283 640 283 640 283 640 283 Business Studies 607 256 607 256 607 256 607 256 Tourism (Dipl.) 33 27 33 27 33 27 33 27 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute