Survey on Adult Population Involvement in Learning Activities Formal and informal education. Absolute values Participation in formal education activities, by sex and nationality. Units: persons Total None One More than one BOTH SEXES Total 29,238,135 27,693,629 1,370,480 174,026 Spanish 25,953,778 24,513,055 1,273,965 166,758 Other nationality 3,284,357 3,180,574 96,515 . MALES Total 14,593,072 13,878,424 647,633 67,015 Spanish 12,925,156 12,249,364 612,535 63,257 Other nationality 1,667,916 1,629,060 . . FEMALES Total 14,645,063 13,815,205 722,847 107,011 Spanish 13,028,622 12,263,691 661,430 103,501 Other nationality 1,616,441 1,551,513 61,418 . Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Data referring to the 12 months prior to the date of the survey. The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. Source: National Statistics Institute