Survey on Adult Population Involvement in Learning Activities NON-FORMAL EDUCATION Duration of the non-formal education activities by sex and labour situation when interviewed Units: percentage of persons 1 to 100 hours 101 to 400 hours 401 to 700 hours Over 700 hours BOTH SEX Total 64.57 23.83 4.76 6.85 Employed 70.26 21.55 3.25 4.93 Unemployed 48.64 28.23 10.63 12.50 Inactive 57.51 29.30 4.36 8.83 MALE Total 66.60 22.75 4.38 6.27 Employed 71.64 20.84 3.20 4.32 Unemployed 52.30 27.20 8.03 12.46 Inactive 54.49 29.05 6.66 9.80 FEMALE Total 62.44 24.96 5.15 7.45 Employed 68.60 22.41 3.32 5.67 Unemployed 45.17 29.21 13.09 12.53 Inactive 59.26 29.44 . 8.27 Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Data referring to 12 months before the date of the survey. The symbol '.' means that data is not available, since it is affected by sampling errors. Source: National Statistics Institut