National results. Hospitals.- Facilities indicators Distribution of hospitals of objective according to the legal entity on which they depend. Units: % TOTAL General Short stay special hospitals Long stay special hospitals Psychiatric Institutions TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Public 39.41 50.35 15.52 25.42 36.67 National Health System 26.90 40.28 8.62 8.47 11.11 Other public institutions 12.52 10.07 6.90 16.95 25.56 Non public 60.59 49.65 84.48 74.58 63.33 Private non profit making 18.64 9.84 35.34 26.27 28.89 Private profit making 41.94 39.81 49.14 48.31 34.44 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute