European Health Survey CHRONIC DISEASES Chronic problems or diseases or of long evolution in the last 12 months by sex and relation with the current economic activity. Population aged 15 years old and over. Units: percentage High blood pressure Myocardial infarction Angina pectoris, heart disease Other heart diseases Varicose veins in the legs Arthrosis (excluding arthritis) Chronic back pain (neck) Chronic back pain (lower back) Chronic allergy such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis or allergic dermatitis, food alergy or of other type (excluding allergic asthma) Asthma (included allergic asthma) Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Diabetes Stomach or duodenum ulcer Urinary incontinence or problems with urine control High cholesterol Cataracts Chronic skin problems Chronic constipation Cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure Depression Chronic anxiety Other mental problems Ictus (embolism, cerebral infarct, cerebral haemorrhage) Migraines or frequent headaches Haemorroids Malignant tumours Osteoporosis Thyroid problems Kidney problems Prostate problems (only men) Menopause problems (only women) Permanent injuries or defects caused by an accident TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No TOTAL Yes No Both sexes TOTAL 100.00 18.74 81.26 100.00 0.70 99.30 100.00 0.85 99.15 100.00 3.66 96.34 100.00 12.17 87.83 100.00 17.32 82.68 100.00 16.52 83.48 100.00 19.22 80.78 100.00 14.09 85.91 100.00 4.46 95.54 100.00 3.32 96.68 100.00 6.84 93.16 100.00 2.11 97.89 100.00 4.14 95.86 100.00 16.70 83.30 100.00 5.20 94.80 100.00 4.97 95.03 100.00 4.27 95.73 100.00 0.71 99.29 100.00 7.83 92.17 100.00 7.60 92.40 100.00 1.93 98.07 100.00 0.82 99.18 100.00 10.14 89.86 100.00 5.36 94.64 100.00 1.57 98.43 100.00 3.99 96.01 100.00 4.84 95.16 100.00 2.75 97.25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 4.34 95.66 Working 100.00 9.90 90.10 100.00 0.17 99.83 100.00 0.23 99.77 100.00 1.25 98.75 100.00 9.15 90.85 100.00 6.77 93.23 100.00 12.20 87.80 100.00 15.01 84.99 100.00 15.39 84.61 100.00 3.89 96.11 100.00 1.33 98.67 100.00 2.64 97.36 100.00 1.13 98.87 100.00 0.88 99.12 100.00 11.87 88.13 100.00 0.88 99.12 100.00 4.37 95.63 100.00 2.15 97.85 100.00 0.36 99.64 100.00 3.75 96.25 100.00 4.56 95.44 100.00 0.37 99.63 100.00 0.14 99.86 100.00 9.19 90.81 100.00 4.11 95.89 100.00 0.69 99.31 100.00 0.93 99.07 100.00 3.56 96.44 100.00 1.56 98.44 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 3.55 96.45 Unemployed 100.00 10.63 89.37 100.00 0.29 99.71 100.00 0.33 99.67 100.00 1.47 98.53 100.00 9.36 90.64 100.00 8.76 91.24 100.00 14.63 85.37 100.00 15.95 84.05 100.00 14.91 85.09 100.00 4.66 95.34 100.00 1.79 98.21 100.00 3.86 96.14 100.00 1.76 98.24 100.00 1.38 98.62 100.00 9.27 90.73 100.00 2.00 98.00 100.00 4.11 95.89 100.00 2.90 97.10 100.00 0.78 99.22 100.00 9.07 90.93 100.00 10.13 89.87 100.00 1.04 98.96 100.00 0.25 99.75 100.00 13.21 86.79 100.00 5.30 94.70 100.00 0.75 99.25 100.00 1.21 98.79 100.00 4.62 95.38 100.00 2.63 97.37 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 5.41 94.59 Retired person or early retired person 100.00 46.60 53.40 100.00 2.30 97.70 100.00 2.84 97.16 100.00 10.78 89.22 100.00 20.33 79.67 100.00 45.47 54.53 100.00 25.78 74.22 100.00 30.65 69.35 100.00 9.71 90.29 100.00 5.28 94.72 100.00 8.74 91.26 100.00 18.71 81.29 100.00 4.43 95.57 100.00 13.36 86.64 100.00 34.75 65.25 100.00 17.77 82.23 100.00 6.79 93.21 100.00 8.71 91.29 100.00 1.46 98.54 100.00 13.39 86.61 100.00 9.35 90.65 100.00 4.04 95.96 100.00 2.63 97.37 100.00 7.86 92.14 100.00 7.85 92.15 100.00 3.77 96.23 100.00 10.91 89.09 100.00 6.86 93.14 100.00 5.42 94.58 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 5.23 94.77 Studying 100.00 0.48 99.52 100.00 0.02 99.98 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.79 99.21 100.00 0.83 99.17 100.00 0.21 99.79 100.00 4.45 95.55 100.00 4.04 95.96 100.00 15.17 84.83 100.00 4.16 95.84 100.00 0.36 99.64 100.00 0.48 99.52 100.00 0.66 99.34 100.00 0.09 99.91 100.00 1.45 98.55 100.00 0.06 99.94 100.00 4.02 95.98 100.00 1.47 98.53 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1.06 98.94 100.00 2.43 97.57 100.00 0.92 99.08 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 8.33 91.67 100.00 0.72 99.28 100.00 0.01 99.99 100.00 0.19 99.81 100.00 1.22 98.78 100.00 0.45 99.55 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 2.05 97.95 Unable to work 100.00 27.02 72.98 100.00 1.78 98.22 100.00 0.82 99.18 100.00 8.41 91.59 100.00 12.41 87.59 100.00 27.47 72.53 100.00 34.55 65.45 100.00 41.05 58.95 100.00 17.87 82.13 100.00 7.50 92.50 100.00 10.26 89.74 100.00 13.29 86.71 100.00 5.36 94.64 100.00 10.31 89.69 100.00 29.62 70.38 100.00 3.45 96.55 100.00 9.95 90.05 100.00 9.54 90.46 100.00 4.18 95.82 100.00 35.04 64.96 100.00 31.49 68.51 100.00 24.45 75.55 100.00 5.25 94.75 100.00 17.78 82.22 100.00 12.96 87.04 100.00 7.01 92.99 100.00 6.91 93.09 100.00 7.53 92.47 100.00 7.78 92.22 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 18.18 81.82 Housework 100.00 28.25 71.75 100.00 0.76 99.24 100.00 1.05 98.95 100.00 4.83 95.17 100.00 24.77 75.23 100.00 34.67 65.33 100.00 27.59 72.41 100.00 29.11 70.89 100.00 14.54 85.46 100.00 4.69 95.31 100.00 4.56 95.44 100.00 10.11 89.89 100.00 2.99 97.01 100.00 6.48 93.52 100.00 23.94 76.06 100.00 9.13 90.87 100.00 4.95 95.05 100.00 8.58 91.42 100.00 0.47 99.53 100.00 13.23 86.77 100.00 13.70 86.30 100.00 1.75 98.25 100.00 0.64 99.36 100.00 14.90 85.10 100.00 8.70 91.30 100.00 2.42 97.58 100.00 11.35 88.65 100.00 9.93 90.07 100.00 3.77 96.23 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 3.19 96.81 Other 100.00 37.01 62.99 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1.57 98.43 100.00 2.56 97.44 100.00 6.49 93.51 100.00 17.73 82.27 100.00 15.72 84.28 100.00 21.00 79.00 100.00 4.80 95.20 100.00 0.90 99.10 100.00 4.87 95.13 100.00 14.45 85.55 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 2.41 97.59 100.00 14.65 85.35 100.00 2.59 97.41 100.00 3.74 96.26 100.00 0.65 99.35 100.00 1.10 98.90 100.00 8.38 91.62 100.00 6.59 93.41 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1.40 98.60 100.00 9.47 90.53 100.00 4.16 95.84 100.00 3.38 96.62 100.00 3.98 96.02 100.00 3.72 96.28 100.00 4.42 95.58 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.00 3.30 96.70 Men TOTAL 100.00 18.35 81.65 100.00 0.86 99.14 100.00 0.90 99.10 100.00 3.44 96.56 100.00 5.62 94.38 100.00 11.15 88.85 100.00 10.71 89.29 100.00 15.54 84.46 100.00 12.00 88.00 100.00 4.03 95.97 100.00 3.58 96.42 100.00 7.29 92.71 100.00 1.99 98.01 100.00 3.08 96.92 100.00 15.95 84.05 100.00 4.01 95.99 100.00 4.46 95.54 100.00 1.50 98.50 100.00 0.76 99.24 100.00 4.78 95.22 100.00 4.67 95.33 100.00 1.96 98.04 100.00 0.97 99.03 100.00 5.82 94.18 100.00 3.75 96.25 100.00 1.33 98.67 100.00 0.76 99.24 100.00 1.31 98.69 100.00 2.51 97.49 100.00 5.55 94.45 .. .. .. 100.00 5.27 94.73 Working 100.00 11.53 88.47 100.00 0.22 99.78 100.00 0.26 99.74 100.00 1.21 98.79 100.00 4.69 95.31 100.00 4.50 95.50 100.00 8.21 91.79 100.00 13.20 86.80 100.00 13.65 86.35 100.00 3.32 96.68 100.00 1.22 98.78 100.00 3.18 96.82 100.00 1.04 98.96 100.00 0.67 99.33 100.00 12.84 87.16 100.00 0.78 99.22 100.00 3.94 96.06 100.00 0.44 99.56 100.00 0.38 99.62 100.00 2.47 97.53 100.00 3.00 97.00 100.00 0.51 99.49 100.00 0.17 99.83 100.00 6.04 93.96 100.00 2.87 97.13 100.00 0.37 99.63 100.00 0.23 99.77 100.00 0.89 99.11 100.00 1.49 98.51 100.00 1.35 98.65 .. .. .. 100.00 4.24 95.76 Unemployed 100.00 12.53 87.47 100.00 0.36 99.64 100.00 0.45 99.55 100.00 1.89 98.11 100.00 4.19 95.81 100.00 6.18 93.82 100.00 9.77 90.23 100.00 12.91 87.09 100.00 11.19 88.81 100.00 3.52 96.48 100.00 1.89 98.11 100.00 4.97 95.03 100.00 1.89 98.11 100.00 0.83 99.17 100.00 10.66 89.34 100.00 2.05 97.95 100.00 3.93 96.07 100.00 0.42 99.58 100.00 1.04 98.96 100.00 6.65 93.35 100.00 7.76 92.24 100.00 1.20 98.80 100.00 0.38 99.62 100.00 5.96 94.04 100.00 3.04 96.96 100.00 0.44 99.56 100.00 0.53 99.47 100.00 0.72 99.28 100.00 2.25 97.75 100.00 1.12 98.88 .. .. .. 100.00 6.52 93.48 Retired person or early retired person 100.00 43.90 56.10 100.00 2.95 97.05 100.00 3.05 96.95 100.00 10.52 89.48 100.00 10.71 89.29 100.00 33.72 66.28 100.00 18.28 81.72 100.00 25.28 74.72 100.00 7.52 92.48 100.00 5.23 94.77 100.00 10.66 89.34 100.00 20.11 79.89 100.00 4.47 95.53 100.00 10.92 89.08 100.00 32.10 67.90 100.00 14.85 85.15 100.00 6.23 93.77 100.00 5.10 94.90 100.00 1.25 98.75 100.00 7.02 92.98 100.00 4.65 95.35 100.00 3.01 96.99 100.00 2.86 97.14 100.00 4.87 95.13 100.00 6.76 93.24 100.00 4.01 95.99 100.00 2.22 97.78 100.00 2.76 97.24 100.00 5.11 94.89 100.00 21.41 78.59 .. .. .. 100.00 5.88 94.12 Studying 100.00 0.36 99.64 100.00 0.03 99.97 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.44 99.56 100.00 0.29 99.71 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 2.08 97.92 100.00 1.88 98.12 100.00 14.64 85.36 100.00 5.07 94.93 100.00 0.21 99.79 100.00 0.60 99.40 100.00 0.24 99.76 100.00 0.18 99.82 100.00 0.54 99.46 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 2.35 97.65 100.00 0.18 99.82 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.51 99.49 100.00 1.31 98.69 100.00 1.06 98.94 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 4.30 95.70 100.00 0.34 99.66 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.21 99.79 100.00 0.83 99.17 100.00 0.42 99.58 100.00 0.00 100.00 .. .. .. 100.00 2.36 97.64 Unable to work 100.00 31.53 68.47 100.00 1.98 98.02 100.00 1.31 98.69 100.00 7.81 92.19 100.00 8.70 91.30 100.00 22.62 77.38 100.00 30.99 69.01 100.00 38.97 61.03 100.00 14.74 85.26 100.00 8.05 91.95 100.00 11.43 88.57 100.00 15.49 84.51 100.00 6.38 93.62 100.00 8.04 91.96 100.00 25.46 74.54 100.00 2.84 97.16 100.00 9.54 90.46 100.00 3.12 96.88 100.00 4.76 95.24 100.00 32.72 67.28 100.00 28.05 71.95 100.00 26.87 73.13 100.00 6.93 93.07 100.00 13.02 86.98 100.00 11.00 89.00 100.00 6.63 93.37 100.00 1.72 98.28 100.00 2.12 97.88 100.00 7.98 92.02 100.00 3.02 96.98 .. .. .. 100.00 20.79 79.21 Housework 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . .. .. .. 100.00 . . Other 100.00 47.49 52.51 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 2.10 97.90 100.00 3.42 96.58 100.00 1.70 98.30 100.00 9.93 90.07 100.00 4.65 95.35 100.00 18.48 81.52 100.00 3.55 96.45 100.00 0.59 99.41 100.00 6.50 93.50 100.00 19.27 80.73 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1.80 98.20 100.00 18.99 81.01 100.00 3.41 96.59 100.00 1.58 98.42 100.00 0.86 99.14 100.00 1.46 98.54 100.00 2.26 97.74 100.00 6.09 93.91 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 5.67 94.33 100.00 5.54 94.46 100.00 4.51 95.49 100.00 3.36 96.64 100.00 2.23 97.77 100.00 5.89 94.11 100.00 5.12 94.88 .. .. .. 100.00 2.08 97.92 Women TOTAL 100.00 19.12 80.88 100.00 0.54 99.46 100.00 0.80 99.20 100.00 3.88 96.12 100.00 18.41 81.59 100.00 23.19 76.81 100.00 22.06 77.94 100.00 22.73 77.27 100.00 16.09 83.91 100.00 4.87 95.13 100.00 3.08 96.92 100.00 6.41 93.59 100.00 2.23 97.77 100.00 5.15 94.85 100.00 17.42 82.58 100.00 6.34 93.66 100.00 5.45 94.55 100.00 6.90 93.10 100.00 0.67 99.33 100.00 10.74 89.26 100.00 10.40 89.60 100.00 1.90 98.10 100.00 0.67 99.33 100.00 14.26 85.74 100.00 6.89 93.11 100.00 1.80 98.20 100.00 7.08 92.92 100.00 8.20 91.80 100.00 2.98 97.02 .. .. .. 100.00 4.35 95.65 100.00 3.46 96.54 Working 100.00 7.85 92.15 100.00 0.10 99.90 100.00 0.20 99.80 100.00 1.30 98.70 100.00 14.78 85.22 100.00 9.65 90.35 100.00 17.24 82.76 100.00 17.30 82.70 100.00 17.60 82.40 100.00 4.62 95.38 100.00 1.48 98.52 100.00 1.95 98.05 100.00 1.24 98.76 100.00 1.14 98.86 100.00 10.66 89.34 100.00 1.00 99.00 100.00 4.92 95.08 100.00 4.31 95.69 100.00 0.33 99.67 100.00 5.37 94.63 100.00 6.53 93.47 100.00 0.19 99.81 100.00 0.12 99.88 100.00 13.16 86.84 100.00 5.66 94.34 100.00 1.09 98.91 100.00 1.82 98.18 100.00 6.95 93.05 100.00 1.65 98.35 .. .. .. 100.00 4.92 95.08 100.00 2.67 97.33 Unemployed 100.00 8.76 91.24 100.00 0.21 99.79 100.00 0.22 99.78 100.00 1.05 98.95 100.00 14.48 85.52 100.00 11.31 88.69 100.00 19.44 80.56 100.00 18.95 81.05 100.00 18.60 81.40 100.00 5.80 94.20 100.00 1.70 98.30 100.00 2.75 97.25 100.00 1.63 98.37 100.00 1.93 98.07 100.00 7.91 92.09 100.00 1.96 98.04 100.00 4.28 95.72 100.00 5.35 94.65 100.00 0.52 99.48 100.00 11.45 88.55 100.00 12.47 87.53 100.00 0.87 99.13 100.00 0.13 99.87 100.00 20.39 79.61 100.00 7.52 92.48 100.00 1.05 98.95 100.00 1.88 98.12 100.00 8.48 91.52 100.00 3.00 97.00 .. .. .. 100.00 5.47 94.53 100.00 4.31 95.69 Retired person or early retired person 100.00 49.40 50.60 100.00 1.61 98.39 100.00 2.63 97.37 100.00 11.04 88.96 100.00 30.36 69.64 100.00 57.77 42.23 100.00 33.61 66.39 100.00 36.26 63.74 100.00 12.00 88.00 100.00 5.35 94.65 100.00 6.73 93.27 100.00 17.26 82.74 100.00 4.39 95.61 100.00 15.92 84.08 100.00 37.53 62.47 100.00 20.83 79.17 100.00 7.37 92.63 100.00 12.48 87.52 100.00 1.68 98.32 100.00 20.05 79.95 100.00 14.25 85.75 100.00 5.12 94.88 100.00 2.38 97.62 100.00 10.98 89.02 100.00 9.00 91.00 100.00 3.53 96.47 100.00 19.98 80.02 100.00 11.14 88.86 100.00 5.75 94.25 .. .. .. 100.00 1.46 98.54 100.00 4.55 95.45 Studying 100.00 0.60 99.40 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1.12 98.88 100.00 1.35 98.65 100.00 0.42 99.58 100.00 6.71 93.29 100.00 6.11 93.89 100.00 15.69 84.31 100.00 3.29 96.71 100.00 0.50 99.50 100.00 0.36 99.64 100.00 1.06 98.94 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 2.32 97.68 100.00 0.12 99.88 100.00 5.61 94.39 100.00 2.70 97.30 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 1.58 98.42 100.00 3.51 96.49 100.00 0.77 99.23 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 12.18 87.82 100.00 1.09 98.91 100.00 0.02 99.98 100.00 0.18 99.82 100.00 1.60 98.40 100.00 0.49 99.51 .. .. .. 100.00 0.62 99.38 100.00 1.76 98.24 Unable to work 100.00 19.54 80.46 100.00 1.46 98.54 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 9.41 90.59 100.00 18.55 81.45 100.00 35.65 64.35 100.00 40.47 59.53 100.00 44.49 55.51 100.00 23.05 76.95 100.00 6.57 93.43 100.00 8.32 91.68 100.00 9.60 90.40 100.00 3.65 96.35 100.00 14.07 85.93 100.00 36.49 63.51 100.00 4.46 95.54 100.00 10.63 89.37 100.00 20.27 79.73 100.00 3.21 96.79 100.00 38.90 61.10 100.00 37.23 62.77 100.00 20.43 79.57 100.00 2.46 97.54 100.00 25.80 74.20 100.00 16.23 83.77 100.00 7.64 92.36 100.00 15.64 84.36 100.00 16.51 83.49 100.00 7.46 92.54 .. .. .. 100.00 13.29 86.71 100.00 13.83 86.17 Housework 100.00 28.49 71.51 100.00 0.77 99.23 100.00 1.04 98.96 100.00 4.88 95.12 100.00 25.07 74.93 100.00 35.10 64.90 100.00 27.89 72.11 100.00 29.20 70.80 100.00 14.73 85.27 100.00 4.77 95.23 100.00 4.57 95.43 100.00 10.10 89.90 100.00 3.00 97.00 100.00 6.49 93.51 100.00 24.05 75.95 100.00 9.11 90.89 100.00 4.84 95.16 100.00 8.64 91.36 100.00 0.48 99.52 100.00 13.42 86.58 100.00 13.89 86.11 100.00 1.75 98.25 100.00 0.58 99.42 100.00 15.08 84.92 100.00 8.82 91.18 100.00 2.41 97.59 100.00 11.54 88.46 100.00 10.01 89.99 100.00 3.70 96.30 .. .. .. 100.00 6.31 93.69 100.00 3.07 96.93 Other 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . .. .. .. 100.00 . . 100.00 . . Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy 1) The symbol '.' shall be deemed as datum which cannot be given due to an insufficient sample The symbol '..' shall be deemed as datum which is not collected for that classification in the table The data corresponding to cells with less than 35 thousand persons must be considered with caution, as they may be affected by a high degree of sampling error Source: National Statistics Institute