Continuous Register Statistics PV.- País Vasco Population by sex, age (five years groups) and relation between place of birth and residence Units: Persons Total Born in Spain In the same Autonomous Community Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Same municipality Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Different municipality Same Autonomous Community. Different Province In a different autonomous community Born Abroad Both sexes Total 2,172,175 2,012,538 1,546,533 1,465,384 876,629 588,755 81,149 466,005 159,637 0-4 103,157 100,373 98,432 97,714 86,098 11,616 718 1,941 2,784 05-09 94,251 87,281 84,929 83,921 71,512 12,409 1,008 2,352 6,970 10-14 84,320 76,102 74,062 72,925 58,284 14,641 1,137 2,040 8,218 15-19 87,305 78,081 75,435 73,327 43,511 29,816 2,108 2,646 9,224 20-24 108,904 92,927 88,777 86,150 53,087 33,063 2,627 4,150 15,977 25-29 146,608 123,200 115,234 110,275 63,815 46,460 4,959 7,966 23,408 30-34 183,818 159,625 148,171 139,549 73,059 66,490 8,622 11,454 24,193 35-39 179,849 159,392 144,271 134,909 68,835 66,074 9,362 15,121 20,457 40-44 177,237 161,097 139,812 130,256 68,452 61,804 9,556 21,285 16,140 45-49 170,536 159,114 123,597 115,167 60,869 54,298 8,430 35,517 11,422 50-54 154,771 146,921 97,703 91,210 48,243 42,967 6,493 49,218 7,850 55-59 139,231 134,502 74,019 69,029 36,722 32,307 4,990 60,483 4,729 60-64 132,651 129,971 67,287 62,736 33,999 28,737 4,551 62,684 2,680 65-69 100,873 99,058 48,543 45,229 25,142 20,087 3,314 50,515 1,815 70-74 98,005 96,598 47,144 43,353 23,594 19,759 3,791 49,454 1,407 75-79 93,362 92,387 50,295 46,418 26,459 19,959 3,877 42,092 975 80-84 66,044 65,296 38,265 35,294 19,835 15,459 2,971 27,031 748 85 and over 51,253 50,613 30,557 27,922 15,113 12,809 2,635 20,056 640 Males Total 1,062,412 981,994 766,368 728,774 440,870 287,904 37,594 215,626 80,418 0-4 52,929 51,673 50,654 50,298 44,367 5,931 356 1,019 1,256 05-09 48,317 44,876 43,686 43,161 36,757 6,404 525 1,190 3,441 10-14 43,420 39,210 38,185 37,601 30,069 7,532 584 1,025 4,210 15-19 45,104 39,992 38,645 37,562 22,221 15,341 1,083 1,347 5,112 20-24 55,656 47,836 45,820 44,537 27,443 17,094 1,283 2,016 7,820 25-29 75,287 63,435 59,625 57,284 33,514 23,770 2,341 3,810 11,852 30-34 94,983 82,188 76,643 72,386 38,315 34,071 4,257 5,545 12,795 35-39 92,617 81,875 74,388 69,657 35,456 34,201 4,731 7,487 10,742 40-44 89,881 81,500 71,097 66,452 35,049 31,403 4,645 10,403 8,381 45-49 84,344 78,811 62,006 57,960 30,864 27,096 4,046 16,805 5,533 50-54 76,223 72,426 49,007 45,826 24,454 21,372 3,181 23,419 3,797 55-59 68,501 66,318 36,589 34,212 18,654 15,558 2,377 29,729 2,183 60-64 64,382 63,229 32,762 30,683 17,030 13,653 2,079 30,467 1,153 65-69 47,749 46,972 23,099 21,640 12,291 9,349 1,459 23,873 777 70-74 44,199 43,628 21,148 19,622 11,120 8,502 1,526 22,480 571 75-79 39,857 39,476 21,035 19,539 11,484 8,055 1,496 18,441 381 80-84 24,553 24,294 13,720 12,737 7,427 5,310 983 10,574 259 85 and over 14,410 14,255 8,259 7,617 4,355 3,262 642 5,996 155 Females Total 1,109,763 1,030,544 780,165 736,610 435,759 300,851 43,555 250,379 79,219 0-4 50,228 48,700 47,778 47,416 41,731 5,685 362 922 1,528 05-09 45,934 42,405 41,243 40,760 34,755 6,005 483 1,162 3,529 10-14 40,900 36,892 35,877 35,324 28,215 7,109 553 1,015 4,008 15-19 42,201 38,089 36,790 35,765 21,290 14,475 1,025 1,299 4,112 20-24 53,248 45,091 42,957 41,613 25,644 15,969 1,344 2,134 8,157 25-29 71,321 59,765 55,609 52,991 30,301 22,690 2,618 4,156 11,556 30-34 88,835 77,437 71,528 67,163 34,744 32,419 4,365 5,909 11,398 35-39 87,232 77,517 69,883 65,252 33,379 31,873 4,631 7,634 9,715 40-44 87,356 79,597 68,715 63,804 33,403 30,401 4,911 10,882 7,759 45-49 86,192 80,303 61,591 57,207 30,005 27,202 4,384 18,712 5,889 50-54 78,548 74,495 48,696 45,384 23,789 21,595 3,312 25,799 4,053 55-59 70,730 68,184 37,430 34,817 18,068 16,749 2,613 30,754 2,546 60-64 68,269 66,742 34,525 32,053 16,969 15,084 2,472 32,217 1,527 65-69 53,124 52,086 25,444 23,589 12,851 10,738 1,855 26,642 1,038 70-74 53,806 52,970 25,996 23,731 12,474 11,257 2,265 26,974 836 75-79 53,505 52,911 29,260 26,879 14,975 11,904 2,381 23,651 594 80-84 41,491 41,002 24,545 22,557 12,408 10,149 1,988 16,457 489 85 and over 36,843 36,358 22,298 20,305 10,758 9,547 1,993 14,060 485 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute