Continuous Register Statistics MD.- Madrid, Comunidad de Population by sex, Age (groups ) and relationship place of birth and residence Units: Persons Total Born in Spain In the same Autonomous Community Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Same municipality Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Different municipality Same Autonomous Community. Different Province In a different autonomous community Born Abroad Both sexes Total 6,578,079 5,358,732 3,731,337 3,731,337 2,149,754 1,581,583 0 1,627,395 1,219,347 0-4 320,026 307,738 299,310 299,310 232,265 67,045 0 8,428 12,288 05-09 355,467 337,945 322,652 322,652 241,256 81,396 0 15,293 17,522 10-14 344,185 314,299 299,759 299,759 208,090 91,669 0 14,540 29,886 15-19 314,696 254,726 242,143 242,143 152,749 89,394 0 12,583 59,970 20-24 322,272 227,920 209,097 209,097 118,847 90,250 0 18,823 94,352 25-29 375,579 255,310 210,806 210,806 109,962 100,844 0 44,504 120,269 30-34 439,372 297,470 227,247 227,247 102,719 124,528 0 70,223 141,902 35-39 536,229 373,129 286,535 286,535 117,338 169,197 0 86,594 163,100 40-44 593,320 440,496 342,331 342,331 143,599 198,732 0 98,165 152,824 45-49 542,464 410,820 306,991 306,991 143,332 163,659 0 103,829 131,644 50-54 495,702 388,349 261,558 261,558 141,339 120,219 0 126,791 107,353 55-59 427,017 353,571 202,177 202,177 116,259 85,918 0 151,394 73,446 60-64 357,495 310,192 144,576 144,576 83,035 61,541 0 165,616 47,303 65-69 317,844 288,862 107,744 107,744 61,794 45,950 0 181,118 28,982 70-74 278,879 261,976 90,894 90,894 55,056 35,838 0 171,082 16,903 75-79 196,917 186,362 60,139 60,139 39,183 20,956 0 126,223 10,555 80-84 174,724 168,812 55,127 55,127 38,599 16,528 0 113,685 5,912 85-89 118,499 115,131 40,917 40,917 29,547 11,370 0 74,214 3,368 90-94 51,852 50,517 16,906 16,906 11,873 5,033 0 33,611 1,335 95-99 13,440 13,085 3,903 3,903 2,590 1,313 0 9,182 355 100 and over 2,100 2,022 525 525 322 203 0 1,497 78 Males Total 3,147,872 2,593,823 1,864,136 1,864,136 1,066,311 797,825 0 729,687 554,049 0-4 164,127 157,843 153,533 153,533 119,253 34,280 0 4,310 6,284 05-09 182,684 173,698 165,888 165,888 123,847 42,041 0 7,810 8,986 10-14 176,330 161,630 154,157 154,157 106,857 47,300 0 7,473 14,700 15-19 160,954 130,631 124,409 124,409 78,387 46,022 0 6,222 30,323 20-24 161,097 116,471 107,356 107,356 60,953 46,403 0 9,115 44,626 25-29 183,107 129,465 108,528 108,528 56,767 51,761 0 20,937 53,642 30-34 213,309 150,690 116,965 116,965 53,216 63,749 0 33,725 62,619 35-39 263,243 188,015 145,885 145,885 60,039 85,846 0 42,130 75,228 40-44 293,518 221,055 173,770 173,770 72,751 101,019 0 47,285 72,463 45-49 266,134 204,892 154,598 154,598 71,791 82,807 0 50,294 61,242 50-54 238,693 190,598 129,987 129,987 69,159 60,828 0 60,611 48,095 55-59 201,571 170,140 99,454 99,454 56,639 42,815 0 70,686 31,431 60-64 164,019 144,612 69,727 69,727 39,347 30,380 0 74,885 19,407 65-69 143,852 132,556 51,210 51,210 28,530 22,680 0 81,346 11,296 70-74 123,646 117,445 41,950 41,950 24,315 17,635 0 75,495 6,201 75-79 84,364 80,568 26,096 26,096 16,149 9,947 0 54,472 3,796 80-84 68,095 66,052 21,150 21,150 14,323 6,827 0 44,902 2,043 85-89 41,220 40,074 13,976 13,976 10,098 3,878 0 26,098 1,146 90-94 14,689 14,261 4,614 4,614 3,296 1,318 0 9,647 428 95-99 2,879 2,797 804 804 544 260 0 1,993 82 100 and over 341 330 79 79 50 29 0 251 11 Females Total 3,430,207 2,764,909 1,867,201 1,867,201 1,083,443 783,758 0 897,708 665,298 0-4 155,899 149,895 145,777 145,777 113,012 32,765 0 4,118 6,004 05-09 172,783 164,247 156,764 156,764 117,409 39,355 0 7,483 8,536 10-14 167,855 152,669 145,602 145,602 101,233 44,369 0 7,067 15,186 15-19 153,742 124,095 117,734 117,734 74,362 43,372 0 6,361 29,647 20-24 161,175 111,449 101,741 101,741 57,894 43,847 0 9,708 49,726 25-29 192,472 125,845 102,278 102,278 53,195 49,083 0 23,567 66,627 30-34 226,063 146,780 110,282 110,282 49,503 60,779 0 36,498 79,283 35-39 272,986 185,114 140,650 140,650 57,299 83,351 0 44,464 87,872 40-44 299,802 219,441 168,561 168,561 70,848 97,713 0 50,880 80,361 45-49 276,330 205,928 152,393 152,393 71,541 80,852 0 53,535 70,402 50-54 257,009 197,751 131,571 131,571 72,180 59,391 0 66,180 59,258 55-59 225,446 183,431 102,723 102,723 59,620 43,103 0 80,708 42,015 60-64 193,476 165,580 74,849 74,849 43,688 31,161 0 90,731 27,896 65-69 173,992 156,306 56,534 56,534 33,264 23,270 0 99,772 17,686 70-74 155,233 144,531 48,944 48,944 30,741 18,203 0 95,587 10,702 75-79 112,553 105,794 34,043 34,043 23,034 11,009 0 71,751 6,759 80-84 106,629 102,760 33,977 33,977 24,276 9,701 0 68,783 3,869 85-89 77,279 75,057 26,941 26,941 19,449 7,492 0 48,116 2,222 90-94 37,163 36,256 12,292 12,292 8,577 3,715 0 23,964 907 95-99 10,561 10,288 3,099 3,099 2,046 1,053 0 7,189 273 100 and over 1,759 1,692 446 446 272 174 0 1,246 67 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute