Continuous Register Statistics CT.- Cataluña Population (Spaniards/Foreigners) by age (five year groups) and sex Units: Persons TOTAL Spaniards Foreigners Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Both sexes Males Females Total 7,600,065 3,730,326 3,869,739 6,517,966 3,175,354 3,342,612 1,082,099 554,972 527,127 0-4 354,069 182,254 171,815 287,967 148,241 139,726 66,102 34,013 32,089 5-9 413,176 212,908 200,268 354,759 182,930 171,829 58,417 29,978 28,439 10-14 409,889 210,758 199,131 366,636 188,251 178,385 43,253 22,507 20,746 15-19 371,304 191,981 179,323 321,336 164,979 156,357 49,968 27,002 22,966 20-24 371,410 189,832 181,578 293,239 150,757 142,482 78,171 39,075 39,096 25-29 419,825 209,766 210,059 302,624 154,344 148,280 117,201 55,422 61,779 30-34 478,061 237,288 240,773 339,141 170,597 168,544 138,920 66,691 72,229 35-39 602,054 305,401 296,653 455,855 228,550 227,305 146,199 76,851 69,348 40-44 672,025 345,033 326,992 550,732 277,608 273,124 121,293 67,425 53,868 45-49 609,553 311,376 298,177 518,693 260,996 257,697 90,860 50,380 40,480 50-54 558,680 280,313 278,367 497,137 247,303 249,834 61,543 33,010 28,533 55-59 491,638 239,870 251,768 450,642 218,848 231,794 40,996 21,022 19,974 60-64 426,960 204,947 222,013 400,361 192,091 208,270 26,599 12,856 13,743 65-69 385,648 181,078 204,570 367,942 172,948 194,994 17,706 8,130 9,576 70-74 338,892 155,276 183,616 327,796 150,435 177,361 11,096 4,841 6,255 75-79 236,415 104,652 131,763 229,167 101,498 127,669 7,248 3,154 4,094 80-84 224,363 90,488 133,875 220,425 88,825 131,600 3,938 1,663 2,275 85-89 151,188 53,651 97,537 149,421 52,968 96,453 1,767 683 1,084 90-94 66,359 19,369 46,990 65,708 19,152 46,556 651 217 434 95-99 16,317 3,661 12,656 16,169 3,616 12,553 148 45 103 100 and over 2,239 424 1,815 2,216 417 1,799 23 7 16 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute