Continuous Register Statistics 51.- Ceuta Population by sex, age (five years groups) and relation between place of birth and residence Units: Persons Total Born in Spain In the same Autonomous Community Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Same municipality Same Autonomous Community. Same province. Different municipality Same Autonomous Community. Different Province In a different autonomous community Born Abroad Both sexes Total 84,777 73,847 58,338 57,877 57,877 0 461 15,509 10,930 0-4 5,213 5,161 4,760 4,752 4,752 0 8 401 52 05-09 6,024 5,904 5,214 5,203 5,203 0 11 690 120 10-14 6,158 5,977 5,193 5,178 5,178 0 15 784 181 15-19 5,430 5,133 4,385 4,373 4,373 0 12 748 297 20-24 5,438 5,057 4,076 4,066 4,066 0 10 981 381 25-29 5,657 5,051 3,941 3,919 3,919 0 22 1,110 606 30-34 5,861 4,812 3,730 3,700 3,700 0 30 1,082 1,049 35-39 6,388 4,985 3,729 3,692 3,692 0 37 1,256 1,403 40-44 6,579 5,238 3,868 3,827 3,827 0 41 1,370 1,341 45-49 6,121 4,897 3,777 3,737 3,737 0 40 1,120 1,224 50-54 5,979 4,811 3,701 3,658 3,658 0 43 1,110 1,168 55-59 5,569 4,572 3,558 3,507 3,507 0 51 1,014 997 60-64 4,431 3,602 2,651 2,616 2,616 0 35 951 829 65-69 3,073 2,629 1,779 1,759 1,759 0 20 850 444 70-74 2,411 2,120 1,491 1,467 1,467 0 24 629 291 75-79 1,875 1,636 1,145 1,117 1,117 0 28 491 239 80-84 1,373 1,184 763 744 744 0 19 421 189 85-89 819 747 430 419 419 0 11 317 72 90-94 288 260 121 119 119 0 2 139 28 95-99 73 60 23 21 21 0 2 37 13 100 and over 17 11 3 3 3 0 0 8 6 Males Total 42,912 37,469 29,171 28,938 28,938 0 233 8,298 5,443 0-4 2,698 2,671 2,470 2,468 2,468 0 2 201 27 05-09 3,119 3,061 2,708 2,700 2,700 0 8 353 58 10-14 3,079 2,997 2,605 2,598 2,598 0 7 392 82 15-19 2,701 2,552 2,228 2,221 2,221 0 7 324 149 20-24 2,685 2,508 2,068 2,063 2,063 0 5 440 177 25-29 2,901 2,647 2,011 1,996 1,996 0 15 636 254 30-34 2,964 2,497 1,861 1,850 1,850 0 11 636 467 35-39 3,319 2,601 1,862 1,838 1,838 0 24 739 718 40-44 3,503 2,791 1,978 1,954 1,954 0 24 813 712 45-49 3,251 2,607 1,927 1,909 1,909 0 18 680 644 50-54 3,179 2,534 1,869 1,842 1,842 0 27 665 645 55-59 2,853 2,356 1,780 1,755 1,755 0 25 576 497 60-64 2,255 1,878 1,304 1,284 1,284 0 20 574 377 65-69 1,584 1,345 894 884 884 0 10 451 239 70-74 1,142 988 703 693 693 0 10 285 154 75-79 787 682 462 451 451 0 11 220 105 80-84 525 436 277 272 272 0 5 159 89 85-89 261 234 131 128 128 0 3 103 27 90-94 79 63 27 26 26 0 1 36 16 95-99 22 17 6 6 6 0 0 11 5 100 and over 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 Females Total 41,865 36,378 29,167 28,939 28,939 0 228 7,211 5,487 0-4 2,515 2,490 2,290 2,284 2,284 0 6 200 25 05-09 2,905 2,843 2,506 2,503 2,503 0 3 337 62 10-14 3,079 2,980 2,588 2,580 2,580 0 8 392 99 15-19 2,729 2,581 2,157 2,152 2,152 0 5 424 148 20-24 2,753 2,549 2,008 2,003 2,003 0 5 541 204 25-29 2,756 2,404 1,930 1,923 1,923 0 7 474 352 30-34 2,897 2,315 1,869 1,850 1,850 0 19 446 582 35-39 3,069 2,384 1,867 1,854 1,854 0 13 517 685 40-44 3,076 2,447 1,890 1,873 1,873 0 17 557 629 45-49 2,870 2,290 1,850 1,828 1,828 0 22 440 580 50-54 2,800 2,277 1,832 1,816 1,816 0 16 445 523 55-59 2,716 2,216 1,778 1,752 1,752 0 26 438 500 60-64 2,176 1,724 1,347 1,332 1,332 0 15 377 452 65-69 1,489 1,284 885 875 875 0 10 399 205 70-74 1,269 1,132 788 774 774 0 14 344 137 75-79 1,088 954 683 666 666 0 17 271 134 80-84 848 748 486 472 472 0 14 262 100 85-89 558 513 299 291 291 0 8 214 45 90-94 209 197 94 93 93 0 1 103 12 95-99 51 43 17 15 15 0 2 26 8 100 and over 12 7 3 3 3 0 0 4 5 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute