Vital Statistics: Marriages Married couples . National data Married couples of different sex by profession or main occupation of the wife and profession or main occupation of the husband. Units: Married couples Total husbands Armed Forces Professionals Public service and Corporate Management Professionals Technicians and scientific professionals and intellectuals Technicians and associate professionals Administrative personnel Service Workers, personal protection and sellers of businesses Skilled workers of agriculture and fishery Craftsmen and skilled of manufacturing industry, construction and mining Plant and machinery operators and assemblers Unskilled workers Students People devoted or that share to housework Retirees, Pensioners and Independently wealthy Unemployed People who cannot be classified and no data recorded Total wives 194,022 3,656 6,471 27,629 10,726 15,356 22,521 3,831 33,719 15,134 14,519 430 288 2,058 2,599 35,085 Armed Forces Professionals 619 376 5 28 13 23 45 9 45 33 15 1 4 3 4 15 Public service and Corporate Management Professionals 4,204 99 1,396 740 279 305 385 49 342 294 86 12 2 23 47 145 Technicians and scientific professionals and intellectuals 31,414 586 1,347 14,655 1,787 2,702 2,814 403 3,619 1,316 623 85 16 106 173 1,182 Technicians and associate professionals 10,438 183 511 1,666 2,776 1,009 842 190 1,226 996 575 18 3 43 109 291 Administrative personnel 34,358 731 1,380 4,869 2,658 6,589 3,907 630 6,300 3,733 1,629 48 28 158 333 1,365 Service Workers, personal protection and sellers of businesses 32,530 639 681 2,378 1,226 1,977 8,756 698 9,199 3,362 1,297 75 49 225 490 1,478 Skilled workers of agriculture and fishery 1,138 12 12 35 38 43 83 344 338 105 49 3 6 7 13 50 Craftsmen and skilled of manufacturing industry, construction and mining 4,949 52 90 295 99 221 459 140 2,837 360 110 6 21 28 44 187 Plant and machinery operators and assemblers 1,199 20 21 54 53 62 94 18 176 561 67 2 2 7 19 43 Unskilled workers 11,755 111 121 314 394 377 610 193 1,257 885 6,583 19 24 186 218 463 Students 2,129 90 79 339 125 165 283 43 368 202 143 96 1 8 58 129 People devoted or that share to housework 16,503 309 332 617 525 738 2,001 725 4,912 1,632 2,090 18 86 637 303 1,578 Retirees, Pensioners and Independently wealthy 685 6 6 38 27 29 59 5 68 39 35 .. 3 318 11 41 Unemployed 7,031 245 226 512 377 460 898 195 1,210 1,017 672 14 11 152 649 393 People who cannot be classified and no data recorded 35,070 197 264 1,089 349 656 1,285 189 1,822 599 545 33 32 157 128 27,725 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute