Encuesta de Fecundidad Relation with the economic activity Females between 15 and 49 years, married currently , by AC of residence and economic activity. Units: Relative figures Total Self-employed workers Permanent employed/employee Temporary employed/employee Employed another situation Unemployed in searching for a job. Students Housework Retired persons, pensioners Another situation Total 100.00 9.78 23.44 9.25 1.49 8.61 0.92 44.25 0.57 1.68 Andalucía 100.00 8.19 12.60 8.34 0.83 12.91 1.72 51.96 0.87 2.58 Aragón 100.00 7.29 26.50 9.88 0.32 5.11 0.25 47.24 0.30 3.11 Asturias (Principado de) 100.00 13.71 12.61 11.84 1.34 12.14 0.65 46.13 1.19 0.38 Balears (Illes) 100.00 10.06 30.14 8.63 2.31 2.27 0.95 41.80 .. 3.83 Canarias 100.00 7.19 25.85 10.00 0.85 6.42 1.44 47.49 0.41 0.34 Cantabria 100.00 7.74 23.75 7.23 2.29 2.05 1.72 55.21 .. .. Castilla y León 100.00 9.94 25.93 9.23 0.81 8.53 .. 42.99 0.81 1.78 Castilla-La Mancha 100.00 9.18 15.80 9.34 0.81 4.53 1.34 57.55 0.75 0.69 Cataluña 100.00 9.71 37.22 8.49 3.21 4.90 0.71 34.78 0.39 0.60 Comunidad Valenciana 100.00 12.12 19.70 9.93 2.66 6.14 1.03 47.19 .. 1.23 Extremadura 100.00 9.82 14.31 6.40 2.20 7.52 0.32 58.65 .. 0.78 Galicia 100.00 16.76 19.02 13.95 0.40 12.78 0.32 33.60 0.44 2.72 Madrid (Comunidad de) 100.00 7.01 29.04 7.80 1.45 10.84 0.38 40.38 0.38 2.71 Murcia (Región de) 100.00 8.93 17.05 9.08 .. 6.79 0.79 55.52 1.83 .. Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) 100.00 12.97 33.83 7.64 1.01 6.21 .. 36.56 1.79 .. País Vasco 100.00 11.14 30.04 11.04 0.72 10.83 2.11 30.70 1.20 2.22 Rioja (La) 100.00 9.15 17.51 15.57 .. 5.39 .. 52.38 .. .. Ceuta 100.00 4.27 10.09 6.35 1.19 10.08 .. 68.02 .. .. Melilla 100.00 7.02 36.79 4.16 .. 6.91 1.79 43.33 .. .. Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute