Economically Active Population Survey National results. Unemployed Unemployed by sex, economic sector and age group. Units: thousands of persons Total From 16 to 19 From 20 to 24 From 25 to 34 from 35 to 44 from 45 to 54 55 and over both sexes Total 2,073.8 134.1 347.0 689.8 486.1 281.9 134.9 Agriculture 165.3 9.0 16.9 46.2 46.6 29.7 16.9 Industry 235.9 13.1 43.5 84.1 47.5 31.9 15.7 Construction 193.2 11.4 30.9 57.7 47.8 31.1 14.3 Services 910.1 36.7 150.5 348.3 222.1 109.9 42.5 Unemployed seeking first job or who left their last job 3 years ago or more 569.3 64.0 105.1 153.5 122.0 79.3 45.4 males Total 897.3 73.7 157.2 285.0 181.8 120.9 78.7 Agriculture 78.1 5.8 7.5 20.2 21.4 13.7 9.5 Industry 132.9 8.3 27.7 45.2 21.9 17.3 12.5 Construction 180.0 11.1 29.0 52.2 44.1 29.4 14.2 Services 320.9 14.3 52.2 121.0 72.7 39.1 21.7 Unemployed seeking first job or who left their last job 3 years ago or more 185.4 34.2 40.8 46.5 21.8 21.3 20.8 females Total 1,176.5 60.4 189.8 404.7 304.3 161.0 56.1 Agriculture 87.2 3.2 9.4 26.0 25.3 15.9 7.4 Industry 103.0 4.9 15.9 38.9 25.6 14.6 3.2 Construction 13.2 0.3 1.9 5.5 3.7 1.7 0.1 Services 589.1 22.4 98.3 227.3 149.5 70.8 20.8 Unemployed seeking first job or who left their last job 3 years ago or more 383.8 29.7 64.3 107.0 100.2 57.9 24.6 Notes: 1) ~'economic sector '~Only the unemployed who have left their last job less than three years ago are classified by economic sector. Source: INE National Statistics Institute (Spain)