Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Results by Autonomous Community Use of ICT products by persons Internet users in the last year by Autonomous Community and participation in online bets and other forms of gambling in the last 12 months Units: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages Total Internet users in the last year participation in online bets and other forms of gambling in the last 12 months Yes participation in online bets and other forms of gambling in the last 12 months No National Total 23,096,841 2.9 97.1 Andalucía 3,861,993 1.8 98.2 Aragón 684,891 3.2 96.8 Asturias, Principado de 523,317 4.6 95.4 Balears, Illes 624,923 4.2 95.8 Canarias 952,009 3.4 96.6 Cantabria 289,086 2.5 97.5 Castilla y León 1,155,585 3.9 96.1 Castilla-La Mancha 968,996 2.0 98.0 Cataluña 4,031,338 2.9 97.1 Comunitat Valenciana 2,459,125 3.3 96.7 Extremadura 482,045 3.5 96.5 Galicia 1,177,135 3.6 96.4 Madrid, Comunidad de 3,574,950 3.4 96.6 Murcia, Región de 645,832 2.9 97.1 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 309,017 2.0 98.0 País Vasco 1,133,707 1.6 98.4 Rioja, La 152,744 3.3 96.7 Ceuta 35,044 8.6 91.4 Melilla 35,102 9.4 90.6 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute