Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Results by Autonomous Community Use of ICT products by persons Internet users in the last 12 months who have used some type of IT security software by Autonomous Community and type of IT security tool used Units: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages Total persons who have used the Internet in the last 12 months and have used some type of IT security software Virus detection and/or anti-spy programmes Firewall (hardware or software) Email filter in order to avoid spam Parental control or web content filtering software Other Package of programs, but does not know the components. National Total 19,284,588 87.7 48.7 36.6 11.7 2.0 23.0 Andalucía 3,167,035 84.5 42.9 31.6 10.5 2.2 19.1 Aragón 574,003 91.8 51.4 44.3 21.1 2.7 17.1 Asturias, Principado de 432,280 87.1 46.5 39.3 11.7 1.3 17.1 Balears, Illes 518,198 81.2 37.4 31.7 6.4 3.5 27.3 Canarias 795,545 85.4 38.4 26.7 7.5 1.2 17.0 Cantabria 224,872 82.9 50.6 39.5 17.0 0.4 37.9 Castilla y León 953,393 87.7 54.5 39.4 9.7 1.5 26.8 Castilla-La Mancha 841,751 89.0 43.2 30.8 9.2 2.8 36.2 Cataluña 3,467,350 87.6 50.9 37.8 7.9 2.5 28.6 Comunitat Valenciana 2,050,464 88.9 50.5 41.9 23.3 2.7 18.1 Extremadura 382,414 79.3 45.3 34.6 9.3 1.0 39.5 Galicia 904,763 84.3 43.2 38.0 9.6 2.1 19.2 Madrid, Comunidad de 3,062,339 90.8 51.8 40.9 10.8 1.6 24.4 Murcia, Región de 519,232 94.0 58.8 48.7 24.0 0.6 17.5 Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 252,455 92.3 53.7 28.6 13.2 3.8 14.4 País Vasco 959,040 92.4 59.8 24.5 7.6 1.0 12.2 Rioja, La 126,895 86.9 41.1 38.5 10.7 0.8 28.0 Ceuta 29,492 92.1 45.5 41.4 21.5 3.9 24.0 Melilla 23,069 72.5 44.3 27.1 7.9 4.2 45.9 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute