Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Results by Autonomous Community. Summary Persons data summary by Autonomous City and Community and type of ICT use Units: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages Total Persons Persons who have used a computer in the last 3 months Persons who have used the Internet in the last 3 months Persons who have used the Internet at least once a week in the last 3 months Persons who have purchased via the Internet in the last 3 months Persons who use mobile telephone National Total 34,925,004 68.7 66.5 61.0 18.6 92.8 Andalucía 6,229,137 64.0 61.7 54.9 15.2 92.2 Aragón 985,140 73.0 70.8 66.2 18.7 93.6 Asturias, Principado de 813,684 67.8 66.2 61.6 17.0 91.8 Balears, Illes 835,067 71.3 69.6 66.2 22.0 92.5 Canarias 1,603,648 62.8 61.8 55.5 13.9 91.3 Cantabria 444,326 72.4 69.6 65.3 21.5 92.0 Castilla y León 1,862,165 67.3 64.5 58.6 16.7 91.8 Castilla-La Mancha 1,536,227 62.8 60.2 55.3 15.0 91.6 Cataluña 5,575,694 72.7 70.6 65.9 23.0 94.3 Comunitat Valenciana 3,768,100 69.0 66.5 60.2 14.6 92.2 Extremadura 810,765 61.1 58.9 51.4 13.0 91.3 Galicia 2,077,792 61.5 58.0 52.7 17.4 88.9 Madrid, Comunidad de 4,841,515 76.5 74.8 70.3 25.4 95.0 Murcia, Región de 1,080,887 63.4 60.3 54.7 11.7 94.1 Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) 469,983 72.1 70.0 64.6 21.5 93.0 País Vasco 1,638,569 73.6 71.1 66.4 22.6 93.6 Rioja, La 236,770 69.2 66.7 60.0 19.2 94.3 Ceuta 60,750 70.8 70.8 69.1 29.1 88.8 Melilla 54,785 67.9 67.0 61.4 10.6 93.6 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute