Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Results by Autonomous Community. ICT equipment in dwellings Computer equipment in main dwellings by Autonomous City and Community type of computer Units: Dwellings with at least one member aged 16 to 74 and horizontal % Total Dwellings Dwellings with some kind of computer Dwellings with a personal computer (desktop computer, laptop) Dwellings with a desktop computer Dwellings with a laptop Dwellings with a hand-held computer (digital notepad or similar, PDA, pocket PC, palmtop) Dwellings with a single type of computer: Desktop computer Dwellings with a single type of computer: Laptop Dwellings with a single type of computer: Hand-held computer (digital notepad or similar, PDA, pocket PC, palmtop) Dwellings with 2 or 3 types of computers National Total 15,718,497 70.3 70.2 47.8 47.9 6.1 21.6 21.1 0.1 27.5 Andalucía 2,661,691 68.1 68.1 45.5 47.9 4.4 19.8 21.6 0.0 26.6 Aragón 454,839 69.7 69.6 48.1 46.5 6.3 21.8 20.2 0.1 27.5 Asturias, Principado de 388,712 66.9 66.7 45.0 43.9 4.4 21.9 21.0 0.1 23.9 Balears, Illes 377,063 73.9 73.9 45.8 51.6 5.6 22.2 26.6 0.0 25.2 Canarias 719,702 68.6 68.5 47.0 42.8 2.8 25.3 21.0 0.0 22.2 Cantabria 199,953 71.7 71.7 46.0 47.0 5.8 24.2 23.9 0.0 23.7 Castilla y León 870,336 64.7 64.6 44.3 42.9 5.9 21.1 18.6 0.1 24.9 Castilla-La Mancha 671,694 68.4 68.1 48.5 42.7 4.3 25.3 18.9 0.2 23.9 Cataluña 2,573,830 74.9 74.4 53.6 51.3 7.0 22.5 20.0 0.0 31.9 Comunitat Valenciana 1,755,517 67.3 67.2 44.5 44.3 5.4 22.2 21.0 0.1 24.0 Extremadura 360,203 61.3 61.3 39.2 45.1 3.8 16.1 21.7 0.0 23.6 Galicia 921,480 64.5 64.5 42.9 44.9 4.1 19.3 21.0 0.0 24.1 Madrid, Comunidad de 2,168,140 76.5 76.3 51.3 54.7 10.3 20.8 22.0 0.1 33.5 Murcia, Región de 452,000 68.7 68.7 48.8 43.0 5.1 23.9 19.3 0.0 25.4 Navarra (Comunidad Foral de) 218,512 72.7 72.4 49.8 45.7 6.8 25.5 21.0 0.2 25.9 País Vasco 771,894 74.0 73.8 48.8 50.8 9.1 21.6 23.1 0.1 29.1 Rioja, La 108,937 67.3 67.1 48.3 42.3 6.7 23.0 18.1 0.2 26.0 Ceuta 22,341 70.7 70.7 42.6 57.9 8.9 12.8 25.4 0.0 32.5 Melilla 21,652 80.0 80.0 44.3 61.9 4.7 18.1 34.0 0.0 27.8 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute