Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Freight transport by road and removal services (Group 494 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover according to activity sector of the client and occupation brackets Units: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 32,811,942 3,835,191 3,951,093 8,530,542 8,895,312 7,599,803 P.A. 222,384 7,038 23,434 55,759 88,548 47,605 Agriculture and livestock 2,867,385 363,466 433,695 858,121 619,877 592,226 Industry 9,161,987 872,039 875,317 2,285,315 3,034,804 2,094,512 Construction 1,915,739 227,916 259,576 727,392 557,836 143,019 Trade 4,511,097 373,475 449,760 1,058,566 891,111 1,738,184 Accommodation and Catering 583,582 89,830 73,357 101,287 146,911 172,197 Transports 12,516,239 1,790,366 1,665,201 3,190,610 3,191,753 2,678,310 Telecommunications and information technologies 92,369 14,024 5,942 1,633 42,585 28,185 Business services 309,411 14,291 92,828 90,112 82,894 29,286 Banks and Insurance 100,531 13,114 9,916 31,403 41,173 4,926 Households 363,680 67,551 60,671 100,226 121,542 13,690 Others 167,538 2,082 1,396 30,117 76,279 57,663 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute