Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Legal, consultancy and advisory, advertising and other services Market studies services and conducting public opinion surveys (Group 732 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover by activity sector of the client and occupation brackets Units: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 979,132 141,698 85,136 162,530 155,790 433,979 P.A. 54,817 6,315 5,182 5,737 14,126 23,458 Agriculture and livestock 9,771 4,125 3,881 1,365 0 400 Industry 148,141 23,475 9,010 16,665 14,116 84,874 Construction 9,234 2,981 4,482 1,371 0 401 Trade 90,920 17,147 7,481 17,046 18,055 31,191 Accommodation and Catering 30,063 1,967 2,507 6,525 5,640 13,425 Transport 15,722 3,552 878 2,599 6,492 2,201 Telecommunications and information technologies 60,300 6,684 3,512 7,346 13,999 28,760 Business services 463,922 69,277 40,117 86,161 50,305 218,062 Banks and Insurance 53,245 3,138 2,464 12,366 21,162 14,116 Households 13,160 312 2,132 1,028 6,055 3,633 Other 29,837 2,725 3,491 4,321 5,841 13,459 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute