Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Legal, consultancy and advisory, advertising and other services Cleaning activities (Group 812 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover by activity sector of the client and occupation sections Units: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 10,618,999 357,681 380,262 1,106,712 1,609,343 7,165,000 P.A. 3,026,468 59,897 33,670 135,276 272,560 2,525,064 Agriculture and livestock 23,042 2,838 1,030 8,081 8,160 2,933 Industry 1,567,919 22,133 24,737 98,031 321,437 1,101,580 Construction 189,374 3,796 7,849 51,161 39,473 87,096 Trade 838,597 22,343 44,815 89,023 125,318 557,098 Accommodation and Catering 526,243 20,702 39,185 94,942 118,058 253,356 Transport 296,624 40,872 5,349 22,066 19,226 209,111 Telecommunications and information technologies 70,141 537 2,236 9,851 10,510 47,007 Business services 1,496,841 15,468 22,933 66,458 105,767 1,286,216 Banks and Insurance 269,341 290 5,481 8,558 16,385 238,628 Households 1,714,485 164,208 180,796 491,175 502,644 375,662 Other 599,923 4,598 12,181 32,089 69,804 481,250 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute