Data related to the elections to the Parliament of Galicia 2016 Complaints to CRV and CARV. Resolution and type movement Units: Complaints Filed Estimated Registrations Cancellations Modifications Dismissed CRV TOTAL 71 70 24 47 46 1 Coruña, A 37 36 14 20 22 1 Lugo 17 17 2 2 15 0 Ourense 8 8 5 13 3 0 Pontevedra 9 9 3 12 6 0 CARV TOTAL 95 89 41 7 48 6 Coruña, A 40 40 20 7 21 0 Lugo 6 5 1 0 4 1 Ourense 17 15 9 0 4 2 Pontevedra 32 29 11 0 19 3 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute