Information of the postal vote Postal vote by date of receipt in delegations and province. Units: Postal vote Up to 12/10/2003 From 13-10-03 to 26-10-03 From 27-10-03 to 02-11-03 From 03-11-03 to 09-11-03 Later to 09-11-03 TOTAL TOTAL 744 5,498 7,285 18,284 95 31,906 Barcelona 478 3,400 4,914 11,847 45 20,684 Girona 112 727 880 2,047 16 3,782 Lleida 53 625 636 2,131 19 3,464 Tarragona 101 746 855 2,259 15 3,976 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute