Publication category Titles/copies Type of publication Total TEXT BOOKS Number of titles Total 2,280 TEXT BOOKS Number of titles Books 2,160 TEXT BOOKS Number of titles Leaflets 120 TEXT BOOKS Number of copies (thousands) Total 5,767 TEXT BOOKS Number of copies (thousands) Books 5,496 TEXT BOOKS Number of copies (thousands) Leaflets 271 CHILDREN PUBLICATIONS Number of titles Total 23 CHILDREN PUBLICATIONS Number of titles Books 22 CHILDREN PUBLICATIONS Number of titles Leaflets 1 CHILDREN PUBLICATIONS Number of copies (thousands) Total 24 CHILDREN PUBLICATIONS Number of copies (thousands) Books 23 CHILDREN PUBLICATIONS Number of copies (thousands) Leaflets 1 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Number of titles Total 51 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Number of titles Books 51 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Number of titles Leaflets 0 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Number of copies (thousands) Total 146 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Number of copies (thousands) Books 146 OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS Number of copies (thousands) Leaflets 0