Country of nationality of spouse 1 Country of nationality of spouse 2 Total Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 288 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 European countries 121 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 African countries .. Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 American countries 163 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 Asian countries 3 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 Other countries 1 European countries total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 199 European countries European countries 69 European countries African countries .. European countries American countries 126 European countries Asian countries 3 European countries Other countries 1 African countries total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 2 African countries European countries 2 African countries African countries .. African countries American countries .. African countries Asian countries .. African countries Other countries .. American countries total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 87 American countries European countries 50 American countries African countries .. American countries American countries 37 American countries Asian countries .. American countries Other countries .. Asian countries total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 .. Asian countries European countries .. Asian countries African countries .. Asian countries American countries .. Asian countries Asian countries .. Asian countries Other countries .. Other countries total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 .. Other countries European countries .. Other countries African countries .. Other countries American countries .. Other countries Asian countries .. Other countries Other countries ..