Country of nationality of spouse 1 Country of nationality of spouse 2 Total Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 1,137 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 European countries 406 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 African countries 29 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 American countries 675 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 Asian countries 24 Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 1 Other countries 3 European countries Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 877 European countries European countries 181 European countries African countries 29 European countries American countries 640 European countries Asian countries 24 European countries Other countries 3 African countries Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 4 African countries European countries 4 African countries African countries .. African countries American countries .. African countries Asian countries .. African countries Other countries .. American countries Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 250 American countries European countries 216 American countries African countries .. American countries American countries 34 American countries Asian countries .. American countries Other countries .. Asian countries Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 3 Asian countries European countries 3 Asian countries African countries .. Asian countries American countries .. Asian countries Asian countries .. Asian countries Other countries .. Other countries Total Married couples: Country of nationality of spouse 2 3 Other countries European countries 2 Other countries African countries .. Other countries American countries 1 Other countries Asian countries .. Other countries Other countries ..