Agrcultural Census 2.- Classification according to used agricultural area 020907.px Units: ? ,Complete days only: operations,Complete days only: number of persons,Complete days only: thousands of days,Partial days only: number of operations,Partial days only: number of persons,Partial days only: thousands of days,Mixed days: number of operations,Mixed days: number of persons,Mixed days: thousands of complete days,Mixed days: thousands of partial days,Persons that receive a salary for working on the operation, Total operations,877,1,131,126,2,628,3,432,303,188,277,27,21,142, without land,..,..,..,5,5,1,..,..,..,..,1, with lands,877,1,131,126,2,623,3,427,302,188,277,27,21,141, without UAA,2,2,0,8,8,1,..,..,..,..,0, with UAA,875,1,129,126,2,615,3,419,301,188,277,27,21,141, > 0.0 - < 0.2,27,31,0,116,134,12,2,3,0,0,5, >= 0.2 - < 0.5,39,63,1,188,224,16,8,10,0,0,4, >= 0.5 - < 1,70,97,4,302,397,22,12,15,1,1,17, >= 1 - < 2,86,100,6,428,557,42,20,26,2,2,15, >= 2 - < 3,77,96,7,263,337,33,13,15,1,1,14, >= 3 - < 4,63,78,8,214,282,30,15,22,1,2,8, >= 4 - < 5,70,79,11,187,237,22,10,18,2,2,11, >= 5 - < 10,156,199,26,445,593,57,33,48,3,3,17, >= 10 - < 20,120,163,21,263,369,38,32,51,6,5,17, >= 20 - < 30,57,78,14,75,101,11,13,16,2,2,7, >= 30 - < 50,48,62,11,72,102,10,14,22,3,2,20, >= 50 - < 70,20,26,5,27,36,4,8,12,2,1,2, >= 70 - < 100,12,14,3,13,19,2,3,8,1,0,1, >= 100 - < 150,17,24,5,15,21,2,..,..,..,..,3, >= 150 - < 200,6,8,2,3,5,0,..,..,..,..,0, >= 200 - < 300,4,6,1,3,4,1,3,8,2,0,0, >= 300 - < 500,2,4,1,1,1,0,2,3,1,0,0, >= 500 - < 1,000,1,1,0,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,0, >= 1,000,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,0, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute