Hotel Occupancy Survey National Data by category. Demand Average stay of the guests by residence and category. Units: Average stay ,Total,Total gold stars,Five gold stars,Four gold stars,Three gold stars,Two gold stars,One gold star,Total silver stars,Two and three silver stars,One silver star, Total,3.32,3.45,3.58,3.58,3.60,2.51,2.14,2.13,2.08,2.19, Residents in Spain,2.31,2.34,2.18,2.36,2.48,2.08,1.91,2.04,1.93,2.20, residents abroad,4.31,4.49,4.20,4.65,4.73,3.22,2.50,2.25,2.34,2.17, Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute