University Education Statistic G.L.S.E.S. Artistic Education (Gº Advanced) ADVANCED CERAMICS STUDIES. Enrolled student body by Autonomous community and Province, Sex and Age. Units: Student body ,Total,,,,,,,,Females,,,,,,,, ,Total,Up to 18 years of age,19 years old,20 years old,21 years old,22 years old,23 years old,24 years of age or more,Total,Up to 18 years of age,19 years old,20 years old,21 years old,22 years old,23 years old,24 years of age or more, TOTAL,139,3,3,3,7,4,12,107,88,3,1,3,6,2,10,63, COMUNITAT VALENCIANA,139,3,3,3,7,4,12,107,88,3,1,3,6,2,10,63, Castellón,29,0,2,0,0,0,0,27,14,0,1,0,0,0,0,13, Valencia,110,3,1,3,7,4,12,80,74,3,0,3,6,2,10,50, Notes: 1) Source: Ministry of Education and Science.