Survey on Adult Population Involvement in Learning Activities Obstacles and access to information on learning. Percentage values Persons who have not wanted to participate in some or more educational activities, by reason, sex and age group. Units: percentages ,Total,Absence of support from the employer,Inappropriate schedule,Did not need it for their job,Did not need it for personal reasons,Did not meet the requirements,The training was too expensive,Did not have time, due to family commitments,The activities offered did not take place within a reasonable distance,Age or health,Had trouble finding what they wanted,Others, BOTH SEXES, Total [25, 74],100.00,2.22,0.81,10.57,2.29,1.13,10.81,10.11,0.94,22.08,13.83,99.75, Subtotal [25, 64],100.00,2.44,0.95,12.23,2.43,1.24,11.74,9.54,0.90,23.52,7.94,99.79, 25 to 34 years of age,100.00,3.61,1.54,15.66,3.12,1.52,10.19,7.75,0.93,20.13,1.36,99.87, 35 to 44 years of age,100.00,2.52,0.98,13.58,2.62,1.50,12.27,8.96,1.04,27.91,2.90,99.88, 45 to 54 years of age,100.00,1.88,0.71,11.78,2.20,1.04,13.20,9.80,0.79,24.34,8.30,99.82, 55 to 64 years of age,100.00,1.36,.,6.21,1.50,0.73,11.48,12.49,0.78,21.36,23.36,99.54, 65 to 74 years of age,100.00,0.86,.,.,1.41,.,5.14,13.54,1.21,13.32,49.70,99.52, MALES, Total [25, 74],100.00,1.98,0.97,12.74,2.19,1.06,14.18,10.29,0.89,14.27,12.90,99.80, Subtotal [25, 64],100.00,2.16,1.11,14.54,2.31,1.15,15.24,9.39,0.88,15.31,7.36,99.82, 25 to 34 years of age,100.00,2.86,1.64,17.67,2.75,.,13.13,7.43,1.05,12.36,1.13,99.82, 35 to 44 years of age,100.00,2.05,1.22,16.14,2.44,1.77,15.23,8.15,.,19.14,3.08,99.84, 45 to 54 years of age,100.00,2.21,.,13.87,2.49,.,17.08,10.64,.,16.20,7.68,99.91, 55 to 64 years of age,100.00,.,.,8.50,1.28,.,16.14,12.50,.,13.15,22.13,99.70, 65 to 74 years of age,100.00,.,.,.,.,.,7.03,16.37,.,7.24,50.16,99.62, FEMALES, Total [25, 74],100.00,2.46,0.65,8.34,2.40,1.21,7.33,9.91,0.99,30.15,14.80,99.71, Subtotal [25, 64],100.00,2.74,0.77,9.78,2.56,1.33,8.03,9.70,0.92,32.23,8.56,99.76, 25 to 34 years of age,100.00,4.44,1.43,13.43,3.54,1.90,6.93,8.11,.,28.73,1.62,99.92, 35 to 44 years of age,100.00,3.04,.,10.78,2.82,1.20,9.03,9.84,.,37.48,2.70,99.93, 45 to 54 years of age,100.00,1.53,.,9.60,1.89,1.29,9.14,8.92,.,32.85,8.94,99.71, 55 to 64 years of age,100.00,1.49,.,3.97,1.72,.,6.91,12.47,.,29.41,24.55,99.38, 65 to 74 years of age,100.00,.,.,.,1.47,.,3.50,11.07,1.39,18.63,49.31,99.44, Notes: .Data protected by statistical secrecy Data referring to the 12 months prior to the date of the survey. The symbol '.' shall be deemed as data which cannot be provided since it may be affected by sampling errors. Source: National Statistics Institute