Survey on International Mobility of Students SAMPLING ERRORS Sampling errors relative to persons from 18 to 34 years old that have reached at least CNED 5 formation level (or they are carrying out these studies) by age group and case of mobility Units: Coefficient of variation ,Total,Moved abroad,Did not move abroad, TOTAL,1.85,13.93,1.84, 18 to 24 years old,3.47,17.54,3.52, 25 to 29 years old,2.70,21.83,2.70, 30 to 34 years old,4.05,25.81,4.01, Notes: 1) Mobility: Moving abroad for study or training 2) CNED 5: Training education, plastic arts and design and higher sport education and similar. Own university titltes where is necessary upper-secondary education tittle, of 2 years or more of duration Source: INE