Disability, Independence and Dependency Situations Survey Characteristics of the centre. Relative figures Percentage of persons with disabilities, according to ownership and type of centre. Units: percentage ,Total,Residential centres for the elderly,Centres for persons with disabilities,Psychiatric and geriatric hospitals, Total,100.00,100.00,100.00,100.00, Public,29.93,29.88,30.77,28.86, State,2.28,2.25,3.52,0.00, Autonomous,15.73,15.43,19.04,12.67, Regional Council/City Council,3.64,2.47,5.81,13.82, Municipal,8.28,9.73,2.40,2.37, Private,70.07,70.12,69.23,71.14, For-profit,34.55,40.28,5.73,22.77, Non-profit,35.52,29.84,63.50,48.36, Notes: 1) The data corresponding to cells with fewer than one thousand persons must be taken with caution because it may be affected by a high incidence of sampling errors. Source: National Statistics Institute